RAW is nice; have never used DLX but they are sleek looking; Bambu is also a fav maybe more so than Raw as I like the feel of the paper & always seemed easier to roll with.
the feel of the Bambus are pleasing aren't they TBM? Its almost like a velvety feel and they are super eay to roll with. No crinkly action goin on unlike some rice papers.
I prefer Joker Lites when I can get em. Usually it's whatever is in the $.99 bin at Raceway. Last time it was Jamacian Hemp, which are actually pretty good. Just can't bring myself to pay $3 + for a pack of papers.
Good call Smashed!!
Used to LOVE Bambu's but I like to buy them in bulk... For 2 years in a row it seemed every single pack the glue wouldn't stick. The doobs kept coming undone. Such a PAIN. So I said screw it. Since then been using J.B 1.5 (or as people call them JOB's because of the diamond shaped . in between the J & B). Or E-Z Wider 1.5. Close runner up to J.B's. I like the little extra paper. It doesn't affect the taste. You don't taste the paper, it burns even and slow. I refuse to use anything else now. Once in a good while I'll roll a Rebel Doobie. Juicy Jay's Rebel Wraps 1/4. :smoke: Just my opinion personally. Everybody has their own tastes!
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