Indoor BCN Critical XXL, Critical+2.0, RDWC under COBs

600L i got, just seen your using a cleaner in ur rdwc how frequently you using that? I have sm90 recomended by a few people, and any calmag at start?
The cleaner I use is not anti-bacterial like SM-90
It simply prevents all the calcium and crappy metals in the tap water from forming sediments. I use 1 ml/10Litres throughout the grow.
You cannot use any beneficials if you use SM-90 as it will kill them, and I make a beneficial Heisenberg Tea for my reservoir and keep it at 22C-23C instead of the usual 19C in order to promote their growth.
I use the CalMag right from day 1 as COBs cause the plants to use a LOT more of them - I am running Greenleaf MegaCrop 2.0 which has CalMag already in it, but it is still not sufficient on its own. My Dinafem Critical+ 2.0 is STILL having calmag issues (increased both CalMag and Megacrop today to try and cut that out)
The cleaner I use is not anti-bacterial like SM-90
It simply prevents all the calcium and crappy metals in the tap water from forming sediments. I use 1 ml/10Litres throughout the grow.
You cannot use any beneficials if you use SM-90 as it will kill them, and I make a beneficial Heisenberg Tea for my reservoir and keep it at 22C-23C instead of the usual 19C in order to promote their growth.
I use the CalMag right from day 1 as COBs cause the plants to use a LOT more of them - I am running Greenleaf MegaCrop 2.0 which has CalMag already in it, but it is still not sufficient on its own. My Dinafem Critical+ 2.0 is STILL having calmag issues (increased both CalMag and Megacrop today to try and cut that out)
Yah I drop a bit of calmag in the res every time I walk by, and cut off a few of the worst leaves while I’m at it so I can tell if it’s spreading. :rofl: I feel guilty about all the calmag but look they want even more! :shrug:

Really impressed with the Heisenberg tea mate. :d5: Big thumbs up on that, you and Rivet got me onto it. No more worries about res temps, beautiful white roots, and I cut out the Hydroguard, at least until winter. That’s $30 a quart and I was running through it like water.

A few minor issues with both ladies, but nothing too drastic.

BCN Critical XXL
Bottom leaves dropped a little and were touching the tote. Seems to have caused a little touch of withering, so I removed them (can be seen in first picture).
Also removed the first node as those branches tend to be very fragile. Now she can put all her effort into better branches.
She is feeding a lot lighter than the Dinafem Critical and does not need as much CalMag (currently at 100ppm less than the dinafem)

Top view:

Critical+ 2.0

Heavier feeder of the two and needs more CalMag.
I may have overdone the feed increase slightly as she is showing signs of a touch of 'claw' due to too much N. Will keep an eye on it.


First node has also been removed on this lady.
At this stage, it seems she is going to be the taller and leggier of the 2 - not as squat as the BCN

Apologies for the poor pictures - I forgot to turn off the fan before taking them :(

Feed Details:

BCN Critical XXL (in 35 Litres):
Megacrop: 12g
CalMag Pro: 6g
Sweet Candy: 4g

ppm(500 scale): 510 (with 180 from water, so 330ppm of feed (0.66EC))
pH: 6.2

Critical+ 2.0 (in 35 Litres):
Megacrop: 16g
CalMag Pro: 8g
Sweet Candy: 4g

ppm(500 Scale): 610 (180 from water, so 430ppm of feed (0.86EC))
pH: 6.1

Environment Details:

Air Temperature: 25C - 26C
Humidity: 62.5%
Water Temp: 22C - 23C
Light: 20 Watts per COB @ approx 10"

As you can see from the ppm, both ladies are feeding WAY below the Greenleaf recommended amounts for Megacrop - for this age, they are recommending about 1.1 to 1.2 EC and that is without the CalMag or Sweet Candy.
Their recommendation is approximately 37g for this stage and I am sitting at around half of that currently.


What a difference a few days can make at this stage.


Zero issues with this lady whatsoever. Everything just gliding along.
Definitely the shorter/more bushy of the two at this stage.
Will probably choose this lady for the Lighting Battle Leg 2.




Ignore the brown colouring on the roots. This is purely due to stain from the Nutrients and the Heisenberg Tea.


Still having a minor CalMag issue with this one, so I have bumped up the CalMag Pro again.
Apart from that, all is right with the world.
Definitely the leggier of the 2 ladies with a different structure.




Again, ignore the brown discolouration on the roots. They are fantastically healthy.
You can definitely see the result of the 1800 Litres per hour air pump with the way the roots are pushed out to the side of the tank, Doesn't seem to be causing any problems though.

The environment is keeping nice and steady with 60-62% Humidity, and temperatures from 25C to 26.5C
Lights have been bumped up to 30 Watts each at 12" from the canopy.

We have Pistils. On both plants on the same day. Couldn't have planned it better ;)

Water temp: 22C - 23C.
Air temp: 25C - 26C.
Humidity: 60% to 62%
Lighting: 30 Watts per plant at 12"

BCN Critical XXL

Added 2 litres of plain aerated water to reduce the ppm a fraction as she was a tad too green for my liking.
This lady has had zero LST apart from a few leaf-tucks and is showing a nice shape - hopefully I can keep it this way until she finishes.


Critical+ 2.0
Still having minor calmag issues and her leaves are a touch too dark (darker than the BCN) and still having just a slight N-tox claw.
Reduced the EC to try and rectify that whilst still keeping an eye on the calmag.
She has also had some very minor LST done to her to try for an even canopy.


Full tent:

Pre-flowers starting to gain a foothold now for both ladies.

BCN Critical XXL



Critical+ 2.0



Starting to get full in the tent now.
Lights have been increased to 50Watts each.
Air temp: 25C > 26.5C
Water Temps: 22C > 23.5C
Humidity 54% > 56%

BCN Critical XXL:
Bud sites coming along nicely, and putting in a lot of stretch now.
WIll be doing a res change for her this evening and adding some Bud Explosion to the mix (and reducing the amounts of MegaCrop and Calmag Pro)






Critical+ 2.0

The shorter of the two ladies now, although that may be down to the minor LST she has had compared to the BCN,
She has also been getting a touch of defoliation which may have slowed her down a few days behind the BCN:




Full tent:
They both look great and ready to fill in!
Question. I have the ratios from Greenleaf website, do you follow them or do you have your own mix for megacrop, and then MC and the BE?