
The tabs are sweet!
Currently we have multiple strategy's
If you only want to use water, Combine our basic line, with the Silicium flash.
And you only have to ad water for good results.
But indeed for superior results, it is better to ad a compost tea, or a Organic Pk booster. in the last weeks of flowering.
But we sell the tabs to some seed producers, that only use the tabs and plain water.
PM me and you can try them out ;)

Yes I am really on the water only as I have what basically equates to a small commercial sized space(for one person anyway) You can check it out here at the Dream Farm Report. I have 50-70 plants in 3 gallon pots, stop by and we can chat for sure. I don't want to clog up EOF'S thread : ) Basically anything that @Eyes on Fire is on board with so am I. Dude knows his stuff, obviously lol look at his plant forrest! Way to go bud! I cant wait til I have a little jungle like that.
@derek420colorado Nice set up you have man!
Quite big :)
Unfortunately I can not send enough Biotabs to fill your whole room ;)
But in this way you can do a nice comparatives grow?

Have a good weedkend!

I am confused a little bit lol for 50 plants I would need 100 tabs right? I was on your site yesterday and saw that you sell them by the 100. How come you couldn't send me enough, just curious

As I love to give free stuff away, Unfortunately i have a budget I can spend on promo products.
Max amount 75 euro's, the 100 tabs with shipping, just gets above that number :(
I would love to send you a bit of all our products, so you can have a better organic experience ;)
Have a good weedkend!
once my money straightens out I wanna order some mycotrex and gorilla tabs and some organitrex. maybe some PK liquid tea too. once they get big you really use that flower juice and flower tea. I might brew a hard material PK flower food tea. starting to eat some of the green N in the lowers and so forth. strains are on the smaller side which is to be expected honestly. the Cheese seems decent. imho I think its genetics personally. but either way they are all producing some lovely nice and frosty stinky flowers. cant wait to try them in a few weeks now.

my Moozie bear hiding in the woods for the afternoon LOL and a cpl new 6 inch GRAV Labs spoons. only bought the Aqua one and they screwed up at Billowby's and sent me the Blue AND my 6 inch sherlock pipe too.Blue LMFAO! so it all worked out nicely. BIG OLE honkin bowl. nice for those with clumsy hands with smaller glass pieces. LOL lab grade https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borosilicate_glass

@Eyes on Fire
Nice man! am really enjoying your thread :)
Wish I could taste some...
Love the animal patrol aswel hahaha

But realy nice you want to continue with the Biotab products :)
PM me what you need, and we will sort it out for sure ;)

Thanks alot for spreading al these good vibes! (L)
It's all a bit "pro" in here! :D

Looking great eyes! You're Rocking the tabs! :headbang:

I have to say - despite my relatively mediocre grow - the end taste and effect is phenominal - partly down to gentics, but definately due also to a non chemical regime!
Definately an eye opener for me!
