:cooldance: :clapper: :cooldance: dewd! In a couple weeks, I'd pay $$ to just flop down on that mat and breeeeeath,...:rofl: They all look picture perfect for health my friend, as good as I've seen from you! Who is that bush-beast above here? I see a May-POM in the making,...:headbang:
@Waira hey broseph!! hows things? good I do hope. that larger one or biggest one is the Cheese Fem from Zambesia seeds. the only one from SIX count em..SIX-6 seeds sowed and done how I always do them and nadda,except this one. hoping flower performs well from the BT's and the genetics as well. but we'll see. you know how I feel about the POM/BOM comp. your welcome to do as you wish of course,but i will not participate other than thanking you for the NOM and any votes I get. Thanks bro!!
i'll be stringin up a trellis net. not sure how well its gonna work this late but I need to try a cpl things to open it up. back has been hurting but its not bad so far. having opened them up would've been incredibly awesome I think. but they are starting to smell ,and SMELL they do :D

a little stress on the Cheese from Zambesia. could be the white COB light 31-32 inches above her at 100%.a lil warmer today but not that warm. dry too. so no cool water to pull from either. so we'll see. shes a drinker.many of them are at this point,Thanks again Guys n Gals. :)

And the full over head. minus two plants the whole garden has Bio Tabs used in various forms throughout. not a bad result. just sorry I could not open them up earlier. but have them out now and have finally aquired a net.so now we'll see what I can do. Thanks again all. let your garden grow eh?! :D all but 1 is mephisto's works.

And the full over head. minus two plants the whole garden has Bio Tabs used in various forms throughout. not a bad result. just sorry I could not open them up earlier. but have them out now and have finally aquired a net.so now we'll see what I can do. Thanks again all. let your garden grow eh?! :D all but 1 is mephisto's works.

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Yes man!!!
Looking good and healty :thumbsup:
Like the frostyness one them alot aswel:)
You make me feel proud!:d5:

Yes with Mephisto/Biotabs/Autopot you have the golden triangel of easyness going on ;) hahah
Thanks a LOT guys! its my pleasure. its easy when you have something that will keep the plant fed well it stages. or as a method grow i suppose. should have hit it harder in flower but I will after this watering in a few more days. small pots big plants. TM3 3 gallon cloth pots from vivagrow. I have never used an Auto pot. one day maybe.I have seen them but never used them. ill water today and hit them with 10mL per litre or litre and a half even. about 5 gallon brew or quick flash tea and feed by mid week or friday at latest I would think.Thanks again.

P.S. OH, almost forgot. ill probably add a cpl three TBspns of the PK flower booster hard materials tea add-on. loose in the brew.

The tabs are sweet!
Currently we have multiple strategy's
If you only want to use water, Combine our basic line, with the Silicium flash.
And you only have to ad water for good results.
But indeed for superior results, it is better to ad a compost tea, or a Organic Pk booster. in the last weeks of flowering.
But we sell the tabs to some seed producers, that only use the tabs and plain water.
PM me and you can try them out ;)