Looking Great Eyes! :D

All very proffesional ^_^
Hope you don't mind if i pop a question to mr biotabs as he frequents your thread! Sounds like he's got what i need!

I'm having a little trouble locating this magic Bio PK juice in Europe - could you point me in the right direction please? :D also, will this be fine to use in an Autopot (as in 10ml once a week in flower and give it a stir)

I'd really like to make biotabs work for me! :d5:

Hey Blue,

Currently the Bio PK 5-8 is only available in Spain

but soon it will be available in the other countries as well.
The labels are being made as we speak ;).
But send a PM, and we wil sort it out

Have a good weedkend!
i uhh took them out and fed them the flower brew/PK booster liquid with a cpl TBspoons of Flower food too. a small sprinkle of bacitrex and bubbled overnight and fed them with a nice soaking.almost zero run off again. really excited to see them flower up. not the greatest pics. I really dont like this new camera I bought to be honest. BUT it works alright and gets the job done LOL :D

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Like you tent alot man... nice and evenly full :)
Love it!
I got these overheads the other evening. looks wonderful overall. a few are slim but its a triple test all the way through honestly so ALL of these things I am using currently are new from the seeds to your wonderful products. LOVE the way they are staring to smell and the color and size is nice. i cant wait until I can experiment more. since its my job to run most of the first grow the way it is with simple specifics AS IS. :) but ill be adding more of my soil and other tea stuffs to really pop the crap out of it next round. just wait n see that grow :D Hope your foot's feeling alright :)

Thank ya Thank ya everyone :) I treated the toof decay with the spray once already. will treat again tomorrow and/or today,later on this evening if I do. if not it'll get twice application throughout tomorrow. so three or four treatments if all goes to plan by the day after tomorrow. Thanks again everyone.
