EXCELLENT!!THAT is what I needed to know. have a few things I have been tinkering with., almost ZERO RUN OFF for one. and teas.imho the brew times are a little long for the foods.. maybe I need to tinker more but Thank you VERY VERY much for the feed back .changed the entire way Imma feed in flower now. Thanks again buddy. :D Cheers :)
and these are doing QUITE nice I might say :) lovely color and size to boot. so ill be doing a flower pop here soonest. Thanks again.

well got 3.5 gallons of water.around 14 Litres and used 50mL of Pk booster.and 2 TBspoons(30grams) of the dry PK tea booster feed. and a teaspoon of bacitrex and 20mL of organitrex and bubbling that till morning. less than 12 hours. prolly like 8-10 tops and will feed.

Ha ha you sound surprised, 'quite' nice. I'm not surprised, firm believer in the tabs from experience so this is par for the course ;) great growing buddy.
Looking Great Eyes! :D

All very proffesional ^_^
Hope you don't mind if i pop a question to mr biotabs as he frequents your thread! Sounds like he's got what i need!

I put 10 ML once a week, it will have the same effect as, watering it 3 times with 3ML 3 day... extra hassle, let keep it easy ;)

This is a pic of my grow that i was testing the Bio PK 5-8

I'm having a little trouble locating this magic Bio PK juice in Europe - could you point me in the right direction please? :D also, will this be fine to use in an Autopot (as in 10ml once a week in flower and give it a stir)

I'd really like to make biotabs work for me! :d5:

heck Blue ,please do. :) Im excited about these tabs.

Sensi jay, yeah man I wouldnt say Im surpised really,since I too am a bit familiar with tabs but these tabs are different than other tabs I have used in the past years. more like 10 years ago really but all is the same except the disolve rates and the heavier or HOTTER feeding characteristics of typical grow tabs or spikes. and all organic too? with tea kits n the like?I LOVE the ease of use and the variation and control you have with a few simple stuffs like this Kit Im using. THAT is what I like. its easy with beautiful results. flower and taste will tell all though in my worlds :D stoked too :D

yeah my back hurts but ill be feeding that tea/feed in less than an hour or so.
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i uhh took them out and fed them the flower brew/PK booster liquid with a cpl TBspoons of Flower food too. a small sprinkle of bacitrex and bubbled overnight and fed them with a nice soaking.almost zero run off again. really excited to see them flower up. not the greatest pics. I really dont like this new camera I bought to be honest. BUT it works alright and gets the job done LOL :D

:jawdrop: :pimp: daaAAAaaamn!! :wiz: :clapper::clapper::clapper: :bow: EoF my man, you are rocking the socks off this test run! Out-f'ing-standing brudda, really really,... as happy a lot of girlies as I've seen in a while! Even at this stage, the lowers are looking untouched,... bud set looks great too,... :smoking: dude, I am whinging hard for this system! :drool: :rofl: I want to run my 8 photo's on it, 10gal pots, but the number$ are looking a bit heavy,..I have some contemplating to do! :face:
So, apples to apples here, how do you think this system compares vs. your own custom gig? :eyebrows:
as Waira said ..... Damn! lol - they look good!!

Ugh, i don't have the facilities to brew the teas and such like. My next tabs grow will include Startrex and the PK .... I'm pretty sure i'll throw canna Boost in there too, but not in the rez (gunky!)
Seems like after a bit of research i'll need to top feed the autopots with flowering boost and pk! - Ah well, still not exactly rocket science :rofl: