Holy shit!!! A forest?!?!? Shiiiiiit... It's bigger than that!!!! Those tabs seem to be doing the trick, for sure!!!!! Have you noticed a faster ripening, or perhaps any other visible differences like more foliage (good god, that's a lot of leaf material!!), stronger terps, etc..?? Are the plants drinking more water than usual? I suspect they are, since they're getting pretty big..
well ill do an update today or tomorrow, lota of work and watering to do,thanks guys. they do drink a LOT.. big plants in smaller pots they need a heavy flowering tea and water today in a big way. some are yellowing up but I hope th stall that this afternoon. tons of stuff going on with helping others and testing so ill be a day or so with an update but they are doing well and the flower arent bad. the cheeses are getting nice sized as well. Thanks a lot guys, they are doing really nicely. again Im sorry itas a tester ghrow so My hands a little bit tied at this time. but next run will be far different and betrerimho. ill be doing OPhotos AND autos. ill send you a PM soonest too brseph. just been crazy busy and my MS hasa been flairing up. grass pollen is high toiday,headache n crap.LOL C'yaz soonest. Thanks agin guy n gals :D
okay,well took a little bit. been busy busy,back hurts and so on. BUT overall I have to say I really like these tabs. I should have used 2.5 to even a full 3 tabs for the aggressive nature of these plants.but they'll be able to be taken very very soon. frosty and smelling awesome.sour livers and Northern Cheese haze.
