:woody: :hump:
:drool: --- EoF my friend!! :clapper: :bow: :clapper: deeewd, I cannot stop eye-humping all these fine-ass ladiezzz,...:crying: I'm sending you the ER bill for my canna-boner that's lasted longer than 4 hours!! :eek1: :point: :haha::haha::haha: ... Seriously man, this is as fine of a group grow as I've seen here, all are doing so beautifully, all shapes and sizes, genetic heritages (even the scambeza plant :rofl:),... yeah- :headbang:
I especially love how well the buds are forming up, great bud:leaf ratio,.. sugar-dipped trichome production,.. making the most of the genetics and all without pummeling their gonads with high chem' P-K inputs! :rofl: Outstanding,.. I can only dream of how amazing the aromas must be by now! :zen: Holy poop tea man, you must be practically floating on the vapor cloud in there,... ...also duly noted, is how well they are finishing, looking at the status of the leaves... zero glaring defc.'s, no micro's either, clearly plenty of PK going in and being used up,... all I see is a bit of tip roasting,- on the one back a page (which strain is she?)... was that from earlier deeper puck-tapping, or a rich tea-bomb maybe? I got similar symptoms from that shite KindSoil during late veg',... plants itself looks unfazed! I chalk it up to the strains general nute' sensitive nature as well,...
... just out of curiosity, have you been monitoring the in-pot pH at all? I'm going to Biotabs school on ya here, as I'll be running my photo' grow this OD season on them- :greenthumb:.. my bab-bee's are already going!
:spels::dancer::spels::dancer::spels:--- Spank-O-Vision stuff my man, thank you for the ongoing porn show,... harvest will be EPIC! :slap::wiz:
hey bro!! yeah man, they do extra nice and super simple no doubt about it man. the one your talking about was given a half of an extra half a tab crushed and drunk in over the watering but quickly available as you know AND hitting it with a cpl of the same teas feed strengths I used.I used and grow thre different ways actually LOL! so they work nice at 2 tabs per pot as you ALL see here. 2 plus another half or even three UNcrumbled is the way to go. crumbled will burn your plants if used too much.the deep green?! yeah that one LOL! fat buds.Imy thought at the time was under the Whie COB light would be denser buds and they are but has only a small bit to do with the feeds/foods or tabs used but the light too. but with a small added piece of the program it works amazing.two teas and three tabs BOOM! and brooo,it smells AMAAZZINg here man,lemme tell ya. I mean damn!
:pass:Cheers EoF!
...yes, from what I've been seeing, busting up the pucks makes them fizz and release like crazy-:coffee:- too much so sometimes-:hothot:... There's some faith to be had in the system design,... but I know how you love to tinker- :biggrin: Usually to good effect!
...brudda, I'd LOVE to see a full snoot-report on all these beauties :eyebrows:... one of my favorite things to do at this stage! ...pinch some sugar leaves, take some notes,...:drool:...might take you a while, with all those melding together..you'll have to take them individually to a private room for that!:hump: :rofl:
ill be doing a nice review of them I think. all in the taste my man,all in the taste :D in the private room that is.or is it smell? LOL! well both better be yummy anyways LOL! thats what I was saying sometime back to those who were wanting to break like 2 or 3 up prior to planting,not an awesome idea generally speaking,unless you know how to prep a pot feeding like that. but A video of me smoking some of my stuff I grew with the tabs,and me talking about the few ways I used it and boosted the PK teas.three different variations too.
Absolutely stunning plants mate. I am in awe :worship:

They all look so healthy and happy on the tabs. The buds are literally beautiful.

You are filling me with a new confidence, as I am also growing with biotabs and PK booster tee etc. Mine are all on 3 tabs and have had boom boom spray at the early stages and so far 3 rounds of PK tee during flowering. My first tabs girls have around 11 days to go!!

I also have a NCH at 13 days and a Sour Livers going into soil today. I am so excited about these "cheesy" mephisto strains and after seeing your NCH and SL I'm even more excited! Amazing work dude :vibe:
Thank you very very much Ladies n germs "D mucho appreciated.

with your thrre tabs and Boom Boom spray feed prior to flowering ir even sexing imo is best but it'll give you a nice return imo. also if you have any Mammoth P I would add a cpl doses a week after transition or so and then the dose maybe 3 and 2 weeks prior to finish. most people think they need to dose with constant Mammoth P and thats just not true within a living soil at any rate :D happy harvesting dude. again transition ending fisrt dose.2nd dose is prior to half way through flower and another dose r two with standard water feeds and you'll get solid results.