Indoor Badfinger's Grow Room

10-5-2022 week 7, day 49

Not much to report that I haven't said already. These quick growers are not so quick. I think I got a long grow on my hands.
I think the tall girl is topped out now, at 45".

10-12-2022 week 8, day 56

I think the Blackberry's will be done long before the AK. The BB's are fading fast. The AK seems to be taking it's good old time.
Gave them their two week feeding of Flower girl. The last week I been using TDS Organic Cal-Mag, 1ml per gal, every watering.
I guess the cultivator badge system is still up in the air. Either way, I plan to use this thread for my entire fall/winter season grows.

10-19-2022 week 9 day 63

Just playing the waiting game now. Gave them their bi-weekly feeding this week.
BB #1 is 45", BB #2 and the AK are both 26"
Cant wait for this grow to be over. I think I will be topping from now on, a 45" plant is a real pain to manage when it's twice as high as the other plants.
Someone up stair's must have read my post earlier in the year complaining how I never get tall plants. It's just really nice when all the girls are close to the same height.
Next grow will be the deciding factor as to what will be my grow medium for next years grows. FFHF or CoM. One thing is for sure, me and Espoma soil are not compatible. Girls looked sickly since the day they sprouted. And I never did really figure it out.
I really hope the BB's taste as good as they smell.
I dont know what's up with my AK, no smell and no frost. this late in the grow and she, IMO, looks like she's begging for N?

Aside from my weekly update.
I am wondering if this girl is changing sex, or it's just the way she looks. She started out looking female, but there looks like a change is happening.
I never had a plant structured like this one, tall, lanky and pretty bare of the amount of foliage I am accustomed to seeing.
I have had couple plants look similar not sure why guessing it is strain dependent...I do loving trimming those kind of plants it makes for a easy trim jail

I dont know what's up with my AK, no smell and no frost. this late in the grow and she, IMO, looks like she's begging for N?
I would agree with that but at the same time wonder if it is fade she looks to be getting into late flower?
I have had couple plants look similar not sure why guessing it is strain dependent...I do loving trimming those kind of plants it makes for a easy trim jail

I would agree with that but at the same time wonder if it is fade she looks to be getting into late flower?
I think what initially got me wondering about the plants sex during that time in my grow, was the physical structure, it was bare and stringy. I never seen a male in person, and it just reminded me of the male picture's I've seen online. But they are all female.

The AK is hard to figure out, she looked good and healthy once into veg, now the leaves are turning a real vibrant yellow, yet the buds are very small, but I never grew a plant with that amount of pistil density, if that makes any sense. She is just developing at an absolute snails pace. Technically, she was supposed to finish a few weeks before the BB's.
10/26/2022 Week 10, day 70
Almost forgot to do my update, the past week flew by.
Blackberrys should be done within the next two weeks. The white pistils in the pic's are more from late grow fox tailing.
AK is lagging behind, I normally use my tent for the drying, but I may have to get creative since the AK will not be done at the same time.
I got all my stuff ready for my next venture, and I'm eager to start that grow. I just have to decide if i'm going 3 plants of one strain, or doing a two of each strain grow. Jean-O's Rootbeer Float and Mephisto's Double Grape.
I been checking out Soil PH meters, I been thinking that may have been my issue with this soil. And that something I'd like to start monitoring in the future.
11/2/2022 week 11, day 77

The Blackberrys are done. Will chop over the weekend.
The AK is fubar IMO, the cola's are not much wider then the size of my thumb. Not even sure I'm going to go through the work of harvesting it. I have to think it over what I'm going to do.
I'm predicting my smallest harvest to date. But such is the nature of things when you try new soils and amendments. You just don't know until you try it.
If I allow the AK to finish I will need to get out the wedryer to dry my BB's.
I should be posting my dry weight in about a week.
