Yeah, I be said that before. Then the grow bug gets yiu and you just keep growing. Cause what the hell else you going to do.?
Haha Roark that is probably the truth. I'll get to that point and go from there haha. Thanks for the lovin' man, like bombs, rep and all.
Thanks for the rep again too, Roark. I forgot to mention that b4!
Nature is sure a beautiful thing. I just adopted/rescued this girl last week. She was root bound so bad!! I had to transplant her immediately! She also needed some nice, natural light, so she's sitting in my window seal. She's coming around. She already seems much happier in her new home.

EDIT: Pic is right after her transplant. I need to take a new picture now that she has settled in.

Updates on cannabis growing: (From left to right)
Paradise White Widow (Day 30), Barny's Pineapple Chunk (Day 30), 4 bagseeds (Day 16)


Updates on Mushroom Experiments - Day 9 of mycelium growth:

Alrighty.. These pics were taken on Day 50. This time I vegged for about 10 days less (36 days into veg when I changed to 12/12), so they are much easier to work with. I won't get as large of a harvest as last time, but I will still get a nice return, and avoiding having buds within inches of the lights (was a bit concerning for me last cycle). So here at day 50 we are about 1 full week into boom and you can see the beautiful flowers starting to develop. Out of 4 bagseeds, 2 were male and cut. Leaving me with 2 females this time (YAY!). So I'll have some unknown strain this time around too that I'm excited about. They are 2 weeks younger than the main plants this cycle. Just finishing up the beans that I have around. After this cycle I have 0 seeds left. Uh oh. Time to order some more. Pics taking right after a foilar spray feeding.. So that's why they are wet

I will have an update on the growing white mold I have soon - within the next week. The jars are pretty much fully colonized (or will be by this weekend). I'll keep them in the jars another week and then they are getting dunk-n-rolled! So by next weekend I'll be placing them into the fruiting chamber and I should have fruits ready for experimentation pretty soon!
Oh and YAY to poppies! So this is my garden of poppies outside. I'm not sure any of my "special" ones made it up though. I should know in another week or so when they start showing their colors. All of my regular ones are orange, and my "special" ones are blue. So I hope to see at least a few blue flowers come up this year. Only time will tell.
