I hear what you're sayin', BubbleK. My last grow, the Dark Devil went from nice and firm, to all airy and full of foxtails. I did the research, found the same info, and had the same question; why only one? Went over the notes, and nothing was too stressful, so I never really figured it out. Shit, use it for some edibles, or BHO! I need to stop playing and get some cheese beans soon, cuz I'm starting to feel like the only one who hasn't smoked it yet!
Thanks for the input Bandit. That whole plant is for sure going to something other than smoking! I'm just not sure yet what lol. And yeah you need to get some cheese because it honestly is one of my favorites so far. I know I've said that on almost all I've grown, but seriously the cheese is uniquely cheesey and I just love the cheese taste. Oh BTW I see your thread in your sig so I'll be checking it out soon.

In about 2 weeks I'm starting my next round - 3 more photos. Just haven't figured out exactly what I'm growing yet. Theyll be back to the full size large 5 gal pots so I should definitely have another cab full of plants this time around since I can veg them longer than the deep cheese too so these should be monsters. I'm trying to use up all the free non auto beans I've got lying around, so after a few more I'll prob be back to autos!

Mushroom cake is done after 2nd flush. Couldn't get another one out of it, but I tried! So overall I got 50.8g of freshsies. Say about 5 grams if I had dried them. But I like eating them fresh MUCH better then eating them dry.

That Delahaze is a beautiful smelling strain with a very cool high! :thumbsup:

Hell yeah bro that is good news. I'm excited for the Delahaze for sure! This is going to be a fun one, that's for sure.
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Seems like I've been gone FOREVER!

Here's the garden about 6-7 weeks in veg (Didn't really keep track honestly).
About 2 more weeks before 12/12 begins.
That's 2 Barney's Pinapple Chunk on the sides and the Delahaze in the center.
Plus you can't see it but there's a little pot of bagseed behind them.
Never got an afgani to grow and scrapped one of the bagseed.
The main liners are rocking the cab, though.
Now if you'll excuse me. I've got hours of reading to do here at afn...

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I ain't gonna lie, I attempted fim and failed on pretty much all. Not sure if topped or fimmed or something else lol I just experiment with different cuts and see what happens so that I can learn it first hand.