That's awesome man can't wait. Bro the shrooms aint comming a long at all I don't think. I've never done this b4 but they look a bit weird. I've still got them chillin out trying to do what they do. But I'm counting them as a loss just cuz I don't think they are going to amount to anything this time. I just need to try again.
Managed to snap a quick pic today as it's been a while since I've posted anything. Day 87 for these Deep Cheese. They've got about 2-3 weeks to go. The one on the left will be done before the one on the right. It could be harvested in 2 weeks and the one on the right 3-3.5 weeks out.

I've had a hard time getting down there while the lights are on. That and my basement is getting hobos and one literately made me scream out loud when I went to snap this pic. Had to run my ass to walmart and get some home defense spray. I've heard its house plant friendly. Got no bugs in my cab since I've got it sealed so well it keeps them fuckers out of my garden, they just show up in the least expected places outside of it. I hate spiders! Time to spray the shit out of my basement! Then maybe I can get a better pic.

Now for a surprising update on mushrooms! @faded187 @Roark @Wienerwoods

I had noc'd up 3 jars a while ago that I had given up hope on. They just looked contaminated and didn't look like anything was going to happen. I just left them there to see what would happen. Here are the jars:


Now the 2 on the sides are all gross and eww looking. But the center one looked nice and healthy... but wait.. what's this?


Nice, it's not only healthy, but pinning and ready to be fruited... And here we are! My very first birthed cake!

Dinafem Deep Cheese #1 Harvested last night. DC # 2 (The fimmed plant) needs another week or so, but #1 was ready to be chopped!

DC1 was harvested on day 104 from seed. It's drying but so far this is the best looking bud I've grown to date. Can't wait to try smoking this DC! Most of my trim is gonna go to a concentrate I think. I just haven't decided what I want to make yet.
Also... I dunked my mushie cake for 12 hrs in the fridge and put it back into the FC before I left for the weekend. I can see a few pinnings happening. Here in a few more days this 2nd flush should be close to harvest time. I'll get more pics when that happens!! Still NOTHING on the fucking poppies! I'm struggling to give them light and keeping em cold.