Hi Dudeski, per 10l of water I gave them 10ml coco a 10ml coco b 10 ml rhizotonic 5 ml cannazym and 5ml canna cal mag still waiting on my camera to arrive but I will later on post some pics as an update quality wont be good but there is improvement they was quite yellow and new growth was too seems they may of had some nutrient deficiency and the conditions was not too good because I have fed them and lowered the light to 55cm and they look to be thriving atm pointing towards the lights as if there praying and onto there 3rd set of leaves now they stopped growing for a few days new growth is greener and the two first leaves have some how got a bit of green back in them are they cotyledons, I have a lot to learn I think I'm in the right place thanks for your interest still getting to know how to use the website aswell