Mephisto Genetics Awolace's Perpetual Grow Thread Powered by Quantum Boards

Day 27 for the Toofless Alien, she's had her first teen with bloom nutes this morning. 2l of 1ml grow, 1ml bloom, 1ml top max and 0.5ml calmag per litre, hoping she's strong enough to take it but she looks good.


Day 14 for the toof decay, she's one of the slower plants I've grown, bit disappointed so far, so she's had a small feed of 500ml 0.5ml grow. I put it down to planting directly into a 15l pot for the first time and hoping she speeds up.


Not a lot happening with the 3bogs at Day 57, just waiting for them to fully amber up. They are starting to look a bit ragged now as leaves die off. Next pics I post of these will be harvest day maybe in a week.
Day 59 for the three bogs and the two shorter ones have come down, 10% amber but more importantly they are destroying my carbon filter and I'm struggling to control the smell. All the fruits, lemon, lime melon, and berrys with a hint of ammonia. Amazing but risky.


360 grams wet exactly from the two and I still have another to go that isn't ready yet. This is how I am drying currently, paper bags in the top of my tent. Not sure if it's the best solution but at least it helps with the smell and should be light proof.


Day 29 for my Toofless Alien, this might bet favourite plant I have grown, a picture of health and nice structure too. Happy moving back to organic nutes.

Great job! Thats a perfect place to start the cure. Yes, they do get stanky. Love that smell
All of Your plants look great!
Cheers, I feel like now I understand more about growing than I did a couple years ago I'll get a lot more out of organic nutes. Always used to find them a bit of a pain but in reality it's the other way round.
Im trying to learn organic myself but i am happily learning!
Day 18 for my toof decay battle girl, looks like this one is gonna stay SMALL, so it's time to get moving, let's get those secondary's working overtime with a bit of ponytailing.

Seeing as two of the 3BOG girls have come down and the other will inside the week, there is some spare space come available.


I've put off growing HBSS for a couple of reasons, firstly that i was worried about the size it could get, and secondly because I grew out white 'n' bubbly and wasn't fussed on the smoke after a while.

Now however I've got my new 15l airpot, new nutes and a bit of space so I'm aiming to go massive with it. The pot is filled and seed is soaking. I'm trying out a tip I saw somewhere on here and have made a mound in the middle of my soil to aid with radial watering in the early stages, I used to make a bowl shape with the soil but with short plants you end up with leaves sitting in the dirt and have watering issues so this way the plant should be raised above the rim.


Nice mutation I've noticed on my Toofless alien too, double header.

Just wanted to throw out a thank you to @mephisto as my prize for 'plant of the year 2016' over on reddit/r/Autoflowers arrived today. As an added bonus, as with all mephisto seeds there were extras, what was meant to be 7 seeds in each pack turned out to be 10. So that's 20 seeds to play with.

Massive thanks to both Mephisto and /u/santacabrera over on Reddit.

Just brought down the third 3BOG, checked on what I had drying and they are crispy, very very very overdried. Only been three bloody days. Really annoyed with that. Anyway this girl gave me another 190g wet. I'll keep a closer dry on these, I've chucked one into a mason jar with the dried stuff to help it moisten back up and we'll see how it goes.
