Dragon Meds Autowars Season 2: Revenge of the Portal Stone Dragons, Double Dragon and Amnesia Stone

Finally have a few pics! 3 Stone Dragons on the left and Amnesia Stone on the right. I feel I might have used too small of cups for the 2 weeks they lived in the small containers...hopefully it doesn't slow them too much! Day 19

Sorry about the lighting on the new batch...cameras light balance just didn't want to get it right! Background left Amber, Back Right Auto Night queen, Front Left Colorado Cookies, Front Right Rainbow Moonstone Day 9
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@Seabass - hey man I thought you might like to compare size to other plants that are roughly the same age as yours. The group in the first pic of 19 days old from first breaking the soils surface.

Oh yes...at 1.6ml per liter sensigrow, 1ml Carboload, 1ml B-52 on the day 20 plants, 1ml sensigrow on the 10 day olds.
Day 26 - Everyone is doing okay...I forgot to get cal/mag and wouldn't you know it I need it ....like I need it now. Spotted a few calcium deficiencies starting on 2 of the stone dragons.

The 3 stone dragons Day 26...yes I believe that the 16oz cups were not big enough, and it might hold them back in overall size due to root restriction. Need bigger cups for this in the future!

Day 26 Amnesia Stone

Day 16 Back Left Amber, Back Right Auto Night Queen, Front Left Colorado Cookies, Front Right Rainbow Moonstone
Nice goings on there brutha man!! ya gots an Amnesia Stone eh?! nice smoke too. excellent day med. especially at 30% amber too.Most anything with Stone 99 in them tends to be awwwwesome :D lol L8r mang

Hey thanks man...yeah I am super excited to try out the smoke this run...I have not tried the smoke on Amber, Stone Dragons, Amnesia Stone, Auto night queen or the Rainbow moonstone so really pumped to get to add another few varieties to my stash box. :D I do have a bunch of other varieties I need to run next run a well. :D
Hey thanks man...yeah I am super excited to try out the smoke this run...I have not tried the smoke on Amber, Stone Dragons, Amnesia Stone, Auto night queen or the Rainbow moonstone so really pumped to get to add another few varieties to my stash box. :D I do have a bunch of other varieties I need to run next run a well. :D
Sounds awesome you're choices of strains love the dragons ,doing a triangle dragon myself ,I put 2 seeds in the soil also started a lemon haze,chemdogging,grapey Walter triangle kush all autos I sow directly into soil should have some results in a few days,praying you get your medical license 912 being able to grow your own medsis awesome helps alot it took me a while to get the money saved to get mine definitely glad I got it ,I grow to survive can't imagine the pain I'd be in if I didn't have a heady heavy stash of meds .
sweetness :D A growers work is never done. much less a stoners growing work LMAO! WAY TOO MANY to ever possibly think of growing out.LOL kinda hilarious that way

Its funny...I almost never run the same strain at any given time...ran 13 plants this summer and all were different strains. We have to keep growing! Always looking for the perfect strains for my pain.

Sounds awesome you're choices of strains love the dragons ,doing a triangle dragon myself ,I put 2 seeds in the soil also started a lemon haze,chemdogging,grapey Walter triangle kush all autos I sow directly into soil should have some results in a few days,praying you get your medical license 912 being able to grow your own medsis awesome helps alot it took me a while to get the money saved to get mine definitely glad I got it ,I grow to survive can't imagine the pain I'd be in if I didn't have a heady heavy stash of meds .

Oh triangle dragon cool! As for the med growing, either way I have meds...just prefer to do it legally if I can.(and with legality brings wifey approval of a great indoor grow space instead of the mini cab). Medical herb is so helpful, the effects, and the process of taking care of them is healing all in its own right. The biggest struggle I have is finding a way to equip a nice room financially. Cash has been extremely tight for me for a long, long time...lol