Dragon Meds Autowars Season 2: Revenge of the Portal Stone Dragons, Double Dragon and Amnesia Stone

These square pots do fit well...with some adjustments I can probablyfit them tight on one side and still have enough room for a late bloomer. I am pushing it I know especially with the next batch being started a touch later. :D Push the limits fellas!!
Hopefully the euphoria will cooperate with the schedule! But im sure you will make it work bud.

I have several questions but my head needs to be lots clearer than it is now.
Here is my plan...on april the 1st when I germ the photo batch, I hope to have all but the last 4 harvested(might only be 3 and a half hahaha, due to the cherry bomb looking super bad for age since birth). April the first will be 75 days for the original four and 61 for the second wave. I will then spread out the final 4 to maximize bud exposure, while leaving enough room for 8 seedlings in 16oz cups which will buy me easily 21 days. Once half the cab is cleared out I can upgrade to 7" pots. A finely oiled machine she is. ;)
Then on may the first i might have to set up a pair of t5s to start the 10 autos(i can only fit X9 7" pots in the cab at a time)...depends on weather...if its favourable in early may, I can keep the photos outside.
Dude, you are a mathematical wizard!

And damn good at planning a grow! I had a cookie kik my ass

Oh fun with edibles...i now take tincture for that type of buzz...wow is all i have to say!

Success in war is based all on a battle plan...its tough to make it work with such limited space, but I'll make it work!! I swear....the plants know what I need them to do!!
I think i made this batch a lil strong! I like it too.

Im really seeing the impotence of thinking ahead when growing. So many little things to make sure are ready before starting.
I think i made this batch a lil strong! I like it too.

Im really seeing the impotence of thinking ahead when growing. So many little things to make sure are ready before starting.

In a space like mine its super important. Well really it is in any space. Grow too many too well and your have a crowded mess, grow too few or poorly and you'll end up with a half empty tent. It really is a gambling act until you figure out how you like to grow in the limits of your space. I am loving the mini plants. When i can hit the 1.5oz yield from plants that barely hang over the edge of the 7" pots, I consider it a massive success. Doing an auto SoG takes even more planning than a normal style of grow, and it takes some luck too!!
@912GreenSkell Won't the Euphoria finish faster because she's in a smaller pot? I know a few people have tested the same strains in different pot sizes and the smaller pots tend to finish faster than the larger pots.
Good luck on getting them to behave for you. Looking forward to more of your growing adventures.
@912GreenSkell Won't the Euphoria finish faster because she's in a smaller pot? I know a few people have tested the same strains in different pot sizes and the smaller pots tend to finish faster than the larger pots.
Good luck on getting them to behave for you. Looking forward to more of your growing adventures.

So far I haven't found this to happen...pretty much every strain I have grown has been very close or exact to company quoted finish times. None have been under quoted times yet.