Indoor Autotron's organic super soil perpetual grow

There have been quite a few people complaining about poor germ rates with Mephisto lately.Other then a 7 pack of WhiteTrain duds I bought from Seeds Here Now I have had 100% germ rates with Mephisto.People have also been getting hermaphroditism with their newer strains.
Still waiting for that second AvT to pop. I ordered some new Rapid Rooters in the hope that they can help me with some of my recent germination issues. It's really starting to get to me. These seeds aren't cheap. I've never had this issue before.

I watered all the other girls with some Recharge, Great White and GO CalMag last night.
I took all the girls out of the tent and put down all four of my new 2'x2' trays on the floor of my tent. They work better than individual saucers because I can keep the pots closer together in the trays. I moved my 400w Hortilux HPS light up to 13 inches from the tops because I felt like they were too strong on the Sour Crack and the leaves were looking a bit stressed and brittle at the top. I also have a 55W AutoCOB over the White Crack and gimpy AvT.

I also have been diligently raking and mixing my twenty gallons of TLO 2.1 soil blend every 2-3 days. It's starting to smell more like earthy soil and less like the smelly amendments. I'm still going to give it at least 30 days to cook before using it.

I don't know why the site keeps rotating my pictures sideways, so apologies for that.

I think your light is still a little bit too close. Your plants look a little bit light stressed ( kinda yellow looking)and a tad over watered maybe.Your plants are super bushy and short.I think they might get bigger if the light was backed off a little and it will help with resin production too.I know my plants are happier with the lights at least 18” away and out to 24” on some.
@BISCUITS i moved the light up to about 15" away from the tops. They're getting about 50K lumens at the top. They seem to be doing fine still, but yeah, I think your assessment was spot on. I had hit them a little heavily with water and light for the few days preceding. I'm giving them a few days in between watering now instead of every 1-2 days. Still getting the hang of watering these smaller 1 and 2 gallon pots. I usually use 3 or 5 gallon ones.

I picked up a Control Wizard Accurate PH8 soil meter and used it for the first time today. It's huge! I've had a couple soil pH meters before and they all seemed to be pure shit. This one seems to be giving me accurate readings. My soil is reading at about 6.6 - 6.7, which seems perfect to me.

I watered them a couple days ago with a gallon of water and a teaspoon of Neptune's Organic Fish Hydrolysate(2-4-1) and a little under a ml of Mammoth P. I was a little concerned about using the liquid fish as its high in P and has phosphoric acid in it. The Rev wasn't entirety clear on this. On the one hand, he praises liquid fish fertilizer in his book, but then cautions against watering with any liquid fertilizers, particularly with high levels of P. He says it can throw off the balance of fungus and bacteria in the soil. I read through all his articles in Skunk magazine and it seems like he's done a complete 360 on much of the advice and principles he outlined in his first edition of TLO. So, I'm taking his advice with a grain of salt. My soil pH seems fine a couple days after I used it, so I think it's OK.

My Sour Crack are at about 52 days old now, so it looks like I've got a couple weeks or so left until harvest! I ordered some Serenade fungicide to head off any potential botrytis issues, which I get sometimes with dense buds like Sour Crack. I've also got two clip-on fans running in my tent and the exhaust at full blast to keep the air circulation good.

The White Crack and gimpy AvT are looking good too. I'm kind of glad I let the AvT keep going as she's putting out some nice healthy looking new growth. I don't think the other AvT I planted is going to pop. I'll wait until I get my Rapid Rooters in the mail and try using one of those. I may also stick my germination pad under the pot to keep it a little warmer. Temps in my tent are about 66-67F in the shade and 75F at the Tops according to my infrared thermometer.

I'll get some pics up in the next few days.
If it was me I would keep my 400hps at 18” above the tops and 24” the last 2 weeks of flower if you don’t mind higher quality. You WILL get a slightly smaller yield by a few grams but trust me the buds will be boutique stash. Seems almost counter intuitive but I do it and won’t be going back. With TLO it is better to not “push” the girls so hard but just maintain the basics.Environment is 50% or more of indoor TLO growing. BTW if it is good fish hydrolysate it should not have any phosphoric acid in it.The best to get are the dry versions that way they will keep for a long time.LOL! Let me get this straight.You are going to use Serenade indoors lol? Let me know how that goes for you? Let me ask you one you have a sense of smell? Delicious aroma on that one. Works the bomb outdoors but has an interesting odor to say the least.
Absolutely make sure that soil pH meter is ACCURATE because 90% of them are NOT. Unless you have a Blulab or Hannah or another high dollar meter I wouldn’t have much faith in it honestly. I have owned a few in the distant past and not one was accurate. IMO they aren’t necessary. With a good pH meter made for liquids you can easily test your soil and probably more precisely too. I use the good ole slurry test with low ppm pH 7.0 H2O and let it sit for an hour or more to let it react,neutralize and then settle (probably not necessary) I just like to be thorough. You then drink this and save your farts in a mason jar for the next week. At the end of the week open and inhale deeply. If it stinks at all go back and look at the number on the meter that was placed into the soil/water mixture and that is your soil pH and then Bobs your uncle (for you Brits) !!!!!!!! Save your money for more important things like meth and heroin
Absolutely make sure that soil pH meter is ACCURATE because 90% of them are NOT. Unless you have a Blulab or Hannah or another high dollar meter I wouldn’t have much faith in it honestly. I have owned a few in the distant past and not one was accurate. IMO they aren’t necessary. With a good pH meter made for liquids you can easily test your soil and probably more precisely too. I use the good ole slurry test with low ppm pH 7.0 H2O and let it sit for an hour or more to let it react,neutralize and then settle (probably not necessary) I just like to be thorough. You then drink this and save your farts in a mason jar for the next week. At the end of the week open and inhale deeply. If it stinks at all go back and look at the number on the meter that was placed into the soil/water mixture and that is your soil pH and then Bobs your uncle (for you Brits) !!!!!!!! Save your money for more important things like meth and heroin

These Mason Jars work best ..... Shopping - Best Sellers - General Queries&utm_term=4585032210228883&utm_content=Best Sellers

And what I like about Uncle Bob is his name is spelled same forwards and backwards which means you you can save both farts and nasty burps too!
Absolutely make sure that soil pH meter is ACCURATE because 90% of them are NOT. Unless you have a Blulab or Hannah or another high dollar meter I wouldn’t have much faith in it honestly. I have owned a few in the distant past and not one was accurate. IMO they aren’t necessary. With a good pH meter made for liquids you can easily test your soil and probably more precisely too. I use the good ole slurry test with low ppm pH 7.0 H2O and let it sit for an hour or more to let it react,neutralize and then settle (probably not necessary) I just like to be thorough. You then drink this and save your farts in a mason jar for the next week. At the end of the week open and inhale deeply. If it stinks at all go back and look at the number on the meter that was placed into the soil/water mixture and that is your soil pH and then Bobs your uncle (for you Brits) !!!!!!!! Save your money for more important things like meth and heroin

I think I'm understanding your directions. So after i drink it, I stick the pH meter up my ass after its catalyzed in my digestive system, right?

Absolutely make sure that soil pH meter is ACCURATE because 90% of them are NOT. Unless you have a Blulab or Hannah or another high dollar meter I wouldn’t have much faith in it honestly. I have owned a few in the distant past and not one was accurate. IMO they aren’t necessary. With a good pH meter made for liquids you can easily test your soil and probably more precisely too. I use the good ole slurry test with low ppm pH 7.0 H2O and let it sit for an hour or more to let it react,neutralize and then settle (probably not necessary) I just like to be thorough. You then drink this and save your farts in a mason jar for the next week. At the end of the week open and inhale deeply. If it stinks at all go back and look at the number on the meter that was placed into the soil/water mixture and that is your soil pH and then Bobs your uncle (for you Brits) !!!!!!!! Save your money for more important things like meth and heroin

I've heard about that whole slurry deal, but honestly, that's just too much work for me. Those Accurate PH8 soil probes are supposed to be the best soil pH testers out there according to many folks. It's probably not necessary for the seasoned growers with more experience than me, but I am really big into making sure I have a solid grasp of the factors behind my grow so I can keep on track and quickly diagnose any problems if they pop up instead of guessing or assuming. So much of learning about growing is anecdotal advice and experience, so I try to get a hold of solid numbers when I get the chance. I started with an El Cheapo Chinese pH meter from Amazon and honestly, it did a pretty good job and didn't need to be calibrated often. I've since upgraded to an Apera PH20, which is more mid-range and not as fancy as the Hannahs or Blulabs. I think it's fabulous quality for the money though and it always gives me an accurate reading. I test it often with GH calibration solution.
The Rev recommends the Control Wizard too. I have just had bad luck with the ones I have owned. Use whatever works for you buddy!