Indoor Autotron's organic super soil perpetual grow

I just mixed up 20 gallons worth of a slightly modified version of The Rev's TLO 2.1 soil mix. I used two different types of bat guano(Happy Frog and Down To Earth) and used half as much unsteamed Bone Meal(Burpee) and used Fish Bone Meal for the other half. Some of the NPK values for my stuff didn't match his exactly, so I compensated with Shrimp Meal and Crab Meal(Down To Earth) to keep the ratios correct and to add some diversity of sources and extra good stuff like chitin. I also used half earthworm castings and half compost instead of straight EWC. I raked and shoveled all the shit together on a tarp for what seemed like forever. I sprinkled some Great White and a cup of Bokashi into it and shoveled it into a 20-gallon garbage can in my basement which sits at 65F and watered it with a gallon of gassed off plain tap water with a pH of 6.5. My tap water doesn't have chloramine or high PPMs, so I feel good about using it after letting it sit out for a few days. I'm gonna give it a full 30 days to cook before I use it. I'm super psyched to try it out when it's ready! I put a lot of time into sourcing all the ingredients from the cheapest spots, but it still wasn't cheap. It seems like there is a lot of work up front to run TLO style, but it's like set it and forget it as you go on.
But now you should be good for a while.If you plan on using it full strength it might help to cook it a lil longer or maybe cut it with plain soil at planting because it can be a little hot for autos.You are on your way my friend good lucks and good buds!
But now you should be good for a while.If you plan on using it full strength it might help to cook it a lil longer or maybe cut it with plain soil at planting because it can be a little hot for autos.You are on your way my friend good lucks and good buds!

Thanks man, I'm pumped to try it! How do you fill your containers? I was planning on following the Rev's approach, with a sprinkle of high nitrogen nutes on the bottom, the manure/perlite/amendment blend on the bottom three inches with a bit of Dr. Earth all-purpose dry nutrients on top, the 2.1 mix for the rest, and a solo cup's worth of Biobizz Lightmix in the top for the seedling to start out in so it doesn't burn. Once it gets 2-3 weeks into veg, I was planning on top dressing with a little bit of Uprising Bloom, ground malted barley and EWC before mulching with composted bark. I'll spike it at some point with one or two of Jobe's tomato spikes or the Rev's flower blend.

Is that all too complicated and unnecessary? Is it too much for autos? I find it interesting to see how varied people's approaches are to setting up their pots and feeding them. Reading the Lowenfels books have been a huge help in understanding the principles here. They're super cheap on Kindle, so I've been working my way through all three of his books. I'm really enjoying learning more and more about organic gardening and starting to internalize many of these things and understand them better.
I do bottom dress the pot with a good all purpose usually like jobes 5-5-5 or similar and maybe some alfalfa and kelp.I don’t use the steer manure like he recommends and I have started adding the spikes when sowing the seed and use either 4 per pot or 2 broken in half and pushed into the soil an inch or two so they can begin breaking down ASAP.I don’t add any middle layer and top dress with EWCs and all purpose because the extra nitrogen is not needed with autos like it is with photos.You are off to the races now!
Some tent shots. The two Sour Crack in the back are the very picture of vitality and vigor. They're in early flower. The White Crack on the lower left is looking quite nice for her age too. She's in seedling/early veg. The Alien vs Triangle came out wonky and scraggly, so I'm going to pull it. I was just kind of curious to see what would happen if I gave her a chance. I'm planning on germinating another one tomorrow to take her place.

As for the super soil, I've kept it in a 20-gallon plastic garbage can with the lid tightly on it for the past three days. I'm not feeling any heat on the sides of the can yet. I plan on pouring it all out on the tarp tomorrow and giving it another good proper mixing with shovel and rake and a chance to get some fresh air and additional water if needed. I'll take it out to mix it up every few days after that for the next month to make sure it gets some air throughout it and is well mixed. I read that you should keep it sealed up and mix it up every few days. Is this what everyone else does?

Maybe drill some small holes in the side of your garbage can if it is now a dedicated soil bin.Air is very important!Does your mix contain alfalfa?You should feel warmth for maybe the first week or so after mixing it up initially.Moisture AND air are important for decomposition.Plants are looking good my friend!
You do NOT want it completely sealed up or you will get a lot of cobwebs on top which is harmless but is an indication of not enough airflow or too much moisture.
@BISCUITS thanks for the advice, I'll plan on modifying the can as that's all I'm going to use it for. Yes, I have alfalfa meal in the mix.

The lower right plant is the gimpy Alien vs Triangle. I'm gonna pull it and germ a new one.
What is in the lower right of the tent? That plant looks weird!
Some tent shots. The two Sour Crack in the back are the very picture of vitality and vigor. They're in early flower. The White Crack on the lower left is looking quite nice for her age too. She's in seedling/early veg. The Alien vs Triangle came out wonky and scraggly, so I'm going to pull it. I was just kind of curious to see what would happen if I gave her a chance. I'm planning on germinating another one tomorrow to take her place.

As for the super soil, I've kept it in a 20-gallon plastic garbage can with the lid tightly on it for the past three days. I'm not feeling any heat on the sides of the can yet. I plan on pouring it all out on the tarp tomorrow and giving it another good proper mixing with shovel and rake and a chance to get some fresh air and additional water if needed. I'll take it out to mix it up every few days after that for the next month to make sure it gets some air throughout it and is well mixed. I read that you should keep it sealed up and mix it up every few days. Is this what everyone else does?

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Be interesting to see how your White Crack turns out ..... I grew a couple, F—- them up but smoke was still ok, genetics are amazing .....

Good luck with the grow, you’ve got a great start!
