AutoSeeds 2024 Show Grows
I’ll be showing my pics….today….i have one plant same way….godfather OG….its almost looking like a Dr. Grinspoon…. I have grown out plants like this before I never killed them. They make good hash and I don’t mean to say anything, but they hit also so there was nothing lacking in potency. Woof!!! I’ll post pics later………. And please remember to all growers. This is the feedback that our breeders and our companies need as they might have the lot number and such for the seeds that they gave us so they can keep track of their abnormalities like this. I would’ve loved to see you finish growing it out.
Hi Sooty
Your probably right mate, I did think about keeping it and maybe making some bubble hash out of her, but the time and effort it would of taken to strip her, I thought bugger that :rofl: plus I already have a freezer draw full of bits to make a bit of hash with. I have to admit though, she did smell great, so it is a shame 😢
Week 8
Day 56 from sprout

Both plants are doing well. I had to do some defol on the Northern Lights to get better light penetration. Also did some light defol on the DoSiDos. I'm getting some yellowing of the lower leaves on the DoSiDos. I'm probably under watering/under feeding her so I'll try to bump up the feed a bit more.



Northern Lights





Day 63. Finally got her into the 3x3 to finish her out. Not sure if I locked her out or over fed her or the light was too close in the 2x2 and it started frying the leaves. Either way, she has some nice chunky buds growing and the dried mango smell is intense!


