AutoSeeds 2024 Show Grows
Dang! Great idea and those are cheap too! I was trying to buy binder clips and they wanted like $10 for 4.
Yeah I use these, 24 for 6 bucks.
Love it, but wrong thread growmie! Should post it to your current grow journal or to live stoner chat.
..if this is an autoseeds . com seed then you can start a grow journal in the autoseeds thread..

Love it, but wrong thread growmie! Should post it to your current grow journal or to live stoner chat.
..if this is an autoseeds . com seed then you can start a grow journal in the autoseeds thread..

Thank you.
Sometimes I find navigating around here a bit challenging because of an old phone.
Ok so this is a thread for a team of Cult1vat0rs growing from aut0seeds•com :/ Got it.
Anyway thank you for your support and comments always.
I've learned a lot here in the past 2 years.
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Day 28.
Day 28. Mango Cookies. I couldn't leave her alone 🤣 I went ahead and topped her and did some LST. Glad I did because she exploded compared to how she was growing beforehand. Definitely going to be a small plant so Im going to start another seed next week. BUT she is very healthy and steady growing so no complaints!

Day 28. MoonRocks. This gal got more than likely her last LST session yesterday and is ready to be left alone for a few weeks. Growing vigorously! Little crazy looking right now BUT she will grow into shape and be PURRRRfection 😁
Howdy y’all :toke:
It’s been a busy week at the compound but my Girls are doing great still.
If my math is right it’s Day 56
I bumped up the feedings and of course the waterings. They’ve been thirsty :drool:

DoSiDo and Durban Poison have been a real pleasure to grow.
DP actually passed up DSD in the stretch and I’ve had to bend over a few because I’m out of light room 😂.
Fed today with the Strive nutrients
PH 6.4
EC 2.4
PPM 1200

I’ve trimmed a few leaves here and there but haven’t really had to do much with these girls but keep them fed and watered.
Hope everyone is having a great grow and I’ll catch y’all on the flip side.
Here’s a few photos since the last update.

Well I don't know what to say about one of the Moonrocks, as I've never seen anything like it before :shrug: She's a great shape, but the buds are not fattening up at all.
I'd be pulling off all the lower leaves. You want all the energy going to the buds.
4 weeks. AK on left is confirmed female, White Widow on right no sex yet. I got a little aggressive training with the WW and snapped the top 2 nodes off :doh:
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View attachment 1698086
best time to do lst is during darkness or when lights go on....plants are more pliable with less water coursing through them and less likely to snap.
Day 52 for the Mango Cookies and White Widow autos. I will say, the white widow has surprised me with the height! She is tall, about 1.5 inches from light. I will have to do something about that. Both are doing good and in flower…

Pic 1 is both, #2-3 are Mango cookies and #4-5 are the tall white widow. That’s all for now!