Indoor Autoseeds Girl Scout Cookies Auto, Biotabs and Autopots

Looks great QB! :thumbsup:
Day 58.

Was away for a few days and have came back to what I think might be a phosphorus deficiency?? I have added calmag back into the water tank and I'm hopeful that it'll allow her to take up more nutrients. If that doesn't work then I plan on turning the tank off and top feeding orgatrex.


Woah! Totally sucks! I’ve gotta leave my girls for a week the end of May, not looking forward to it.

Yeah it sucks but I'll bring her round. I was always expecting problems to surface with the change over to Biotabs and Autopots but these are the times when you learn the most and gain experience.

You should be fine going away for a week you seem to have everything dialled in.

The yelllowing of leaves could very well be the phosphorus deficiency, yes. PK 5-8 boost, hit her hard at 10 to 15ml/l and she will recover. Also very light spray with boom boom spray, as long as there is good fan blowing air will be fine as to avoid mold, but give them a boost of some of the good stuff.

This two together should help get you back on track.
Orgatrex won't really get you there. If you can't get the BioTabs PK boost, you could always just get Mammoth P anywhere and use that the same way. That would help them recover and get you to the finish line.

Hi mate. I had a good look through pictures and descriptions of deficiencies and compared. Looked most likely to be phosphorus to me.


Biotabs pk boost is really expensive here. I was using plant Magic nutes on my last grow with decent success and seen their own bio pk boost that I'll buy if you think it's what I need?

Thanks for the advice
I believe you bro.:pighug:
What i meant: how can this deficiency come that quickly, regarding the good first evolutions of your grow.
Just to know what the reason could be.
So i can keep my eyes on mines to avoid it.:headbang: