Autos in Aircube system

Day 30 for the big girls on left...25 for upper right...20 for new girl. Lights are turned up now...had them down to help new girl but couldn't sacrifice 3 to help 1 any longer.
Closer looks at the 2 furthest along. These 2 might actually finish in the time Sweetseeds predicted!(7-8weeks from cotyledon) Now I started counting when first leaves were out so not quite on time and probably be more immature than I would prefer but harvestable maybe....they have 2 more weeks...... we shall see :baked:
This is the RSB
Looking great man! Growing some monsters in there. I'm going to be running some jacks 321 in autopots with coco here soon and I was curious what's your starting ppm and what do you work up to in flower? Do you just run the regular jacks schedule?
Looking great man! Growing some monsters in there. I'm going to be running some jacks 321 in autopots with coco here soon and I was curious what's your starting ppm and what do you work up to in flower? Do you just run the regular jacks schedule?
I use it at 3.79-2.52-.99 ratio. In seedling stage 770ppm(700 scale)...slowly ramp up to the 1500's and it stays there till harvest. ph is 5.8 to 6.2. I use ro water, calmag, hydroguard, silica, kelp, and fulvic acid.
I also use the rez mix to bottom feed my soil grows through a wick system at either full strength or diluted depending on stage of plant in soil.