Hi Beelu,
OK that with the light was a misunderstanding from me, and please dont look too much for that english i am using, i try my best but, i am a bit drunk and realy outa practice, but I `ll try to write that you can understand it what i am trying to say.
The plants dont look like day 46, day 46 is week 6 and 4 days, they should be finished in a few days but i cant see no buds, i mean realy buds, big fat head buds, it looks more like they are still in veg or short time in blooming phase. I will try to upload some of my Autos from my winter grow, there are also threads here, where i asked my questions, these pics are from day ...around 50. Wait I need to search for them, hopeView attachment 104904 i will find em.View attachment 104895View attachment 104897
OK Pic 1. is my beatyfull Critical Jack, i had 3 of em, and this is around day 50-55 cant remember right now. The two others are Automazars but as i said they stayed so tu#iny and this was dissapointing, but the weed and turn was great, But 27 cm, is not realy what i was expecting. Must say that I made mistakes as i am not a Pro, i am still learning and getting better (hops#e so)
From my 7 AM seeds i had this time 2 died, one stays tiny, one grows...hmmm, so so la la, and 2 of em are great bushes what looks promissing and i hope they will get me a good harvest.
Maybe this is good that your plants had a longer veg phase so they can get taller and taller plants are biger yield. But what is possible after day 45, or 50 you can see on pic one and this is what a Pro might laugh about, but i was proud. Its a good strain, critical jack, had 3 of em and all were great.
I have to bring em out, the rest of my plants, its getting dangerous, my ex girl postet Pics in FB to see 4 everyone what shows my indoor thing, she is a bit crazy and like i said now my ex, but we got a kid together so....
Some borders you should never cross or even touch e#and she did it too often, but thats not the theme, . i WISH YOU THE BEST LUCK AND GOOD HARVEST/YIELD; AND Buds as big as ...listen to AC/DC big balls...just kidding, need to come to an end, getting drunk and writing stupiid stuff. So cheers,
What are your temps? Looks like a bit of heat stress from the up-curled leaves...