Hi again,
If i remember right i harvested the strange AM`s around 60 days after germing, but like i said, these were tiny plants. I found my old thread I started when i had these Probs with the plants, her #e is the link if u r interested, there are mnore Pics too
I will see what my outdoor experiment will bring with the AM`s, i brought the rest out this morning, felt into a river (small one) because sometimes i act real STUPID, but i dont realy care, getting wet is inclusive when u start growing outdoor.
The place is not realy safe, but i had a plant there last year and noone found her, this year i got some more there, 2 in a around 40 Liter Pot digged in the ground, 3 clones at one point (looks awfull wait i got some pics, its much bigger now, pic is a few days old forgot my cam th
View attachment 105525s morn.
Man i prefer Beer i am german, but at the moment i drink that mixery 5% vodka energy shiz#t, man i tell you, the made me an addict to that....
I need to go to hospital at Thursday, i hope the weather will keep good care to my palntjes.
It realy dont look like da 48, i suspect thios coul be one of these superautos, BUT I REALY DONT KNOW THAT, i know that these grow longer and getting big as hell, look for seymore bud (hope its right spelled) and his superautogrow. If you got one, than my friend youll have a good yield. I have hope for 2 of my AM`s that they will get me a good yield) the other ones i will ttry things out with....
Need to leave, wish you the best