Live Stoner Chat AutoMazar 5xplants under 400W MH/HPS Combo.

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just measured the plants and also raised the light by couple of inches.
Tallest plants is 33" !!! almost to 3ft now. no wonder it was getting too close to light. shortest one is 28". plants looking healthy overall except for a few yellow spots on the leaves here n there.
these r tiny yellow spots, i m guessing cud be lack of N. cause i have been feeding bloom nutes with less N.

Hi again,

If i remember right i harvested the strange AM`s around 60 days after germing, but like i said, these were tiny plants. I found my old thread I started when i had these Probs with the plants, her #e is the link if u r interested, there are mnore Pics too

I will see what my outdoor experiment will bring with the AM`s, i brought the rest out this morning, felt into a river (small one) because sometimes i act real STUPID, but i dont realy care, getting wet is inclusive when u start growing outdoor.
The place is not realy safe, but i had a plant there last year and noone found her, this year i got some more there, 2 in a around 40 Liter Pot digged in the ground, 3 clones at one point (looks awfull wait i got some pics, its much bigger now, pic is a few days old forgot my cam thView attachment 105525s morn.
Man i prefer Beer i am german, but at the moment i drink that mixery 5% vodka energy shiz#t, man i tell you, the made me an addict to that....:-)

I need to go to hospital at Thursday, i hope the weather will keep good care to my palntjes.
It realy dont look like da 48, i suspect thios coul be one of these superautos, BUT I REALY DONT KNOW THAT, i know that these grow longer and getting big as hell, look for seymore bud (hope its right spelled) and his superautogrow. If you got one, than my friend youll have a good yield. I have hope for 2 of my AM`s that they will get me a good yield) the other ones i will ttry things out with....

Need to leave, wish you the best

Hey bro, thanks for the love shared. hope you feel better for what u going to hospital for.

ur plant outdoor looks gorgeous. real green. and i must say u picked a nice spot in between bushes. that 60day AM yeild must not have been that bad as it dint take that long at all 'QUCIK BUD'. have u seen the video on youtube by dutch passion? attaching the link below anyway. they harvested after 11 weeks. i.e abt 77 days. Seymour harvested after abt 90 days. i cant say when mine wud b ready for harvest.

Hey man. Just thought id share what i do right at the begining thats a little diffrent to yours.
Seeing as what your using id say germ them and then into final pots.
Reason being from what ive red is that the tapping root of autos goes allot deeper and fast ! From what i got from that is the deeper the root can go the better. Potting up is stunting root as it hits the pot.
I use jiffy plugs, germ them keep them in there for a week maybe ten days tyen transplant them into there final pots so the tapping root can do its thing.
Im on a budget to and been there with the dreded high temp low rh man. It kills to watch but tye only real way of sorting it is better air flow my friend which means spending some cash on fans.
I dont use any of those ruk fans there out of my range. But i found 2 fans with enough clm to clear my room for under £14 each.
I tried the wet towel sat above the reflector. Wet spinge next to fans all sorts. But i have to admit that in comparison and just peace of mind the fans are a sound investment.
If ya need some links to some cheap alteritives then hit me up.
Hey man. Just thought id share what i do right at the begining thats a little diffrent to yours.
Seeing as what your using id say germ them and then into final pots.
Reason being from what ive red is that the tapping root of autos goes allot deeper and fast ! From what i got from that is the deeper the root can go the better. Potting up is stunting root as it hits the pot.
I use jiffy plugs, germ them keep them in there for a week maybe ten days tyen transplant them into there final pots so the tapping root can do its thing.
Im on a budget to and been there with the dreded high temp low rh man. It kills to watch but tye only real way of sorting it is better air flow my friend which means spending some cash on fans.
I dont use any of those ruk fans there out of my range. But i found 2 fans with enough clm to clear my room for under £14 each.
I tried the wet towel sat above the reflector. Wet spinge next to fans all sorts. But i have to admit that in comparison and just peace of mind the fans are a sound investment.
If ya need some links to some cheap alteritives then hit me up.

Bro many thanks for the help offered but I do have a good 10" exhaust and 12" fan, but when outside temps are as high as 48C / 120F its tough even with AC. but now temps are as high as 38C/95-100F so things r quite under control.

We don't have this stuff in super markets here :( as it used to make liquor and in Pakistan where i am, so they dont sell it. hopefully my friend will hook me up soon with it. even the local cargo was not willing to ship it to me from other city :P as they said that this is illegal stuff :P LOL !!!

anyways, sounds like u all r using this stuff so kindly please advise further on the feeding. how much shud i use if i pour 3 liters water apprx. every 3rd day? also, do you all use other nutes along with it?

I dont use it with chemical nutes my advice to you would be looking at your potting mixes make sure you use a fert with trace elements. I use 1tbsp boiled in water than poured in 1g of water the last 3 weeks of flower in organic nutes
going to pick up molasses. had to water the the plants after about 60 hours (2 1/2day) since the leaves were looking droopy. perked up now after another 12 hours. I think i am gonna have to start watering every 48 hours.
Now will use the molasses only for next feed and see how the plants react to it. otherwise plants looking good :) will try later to pull a plant out of garden and get a few update snaps.

I dont use it with chemical nutes my advice to you would be looking at your potting mixes make sure you use a fert with trace elements. I use 1tbsp boiled in water than poured in 1g of water the last 3 weeks of flower in organic nutes

let me do only molasses on next water, then will add some light nutes along too further feed, if the plants seem to be liking the molasses. i m using tiger bloom, do u know if its chemical or organic? not sure.
Just give them a weak nute mix at first and then only every other water.I would put them iin bigger pots in a week or so and they should be fine.:bong: