Lighting Autocob Madness

To bad on the clones. It’s all a learning curve isn’t it? I’m sure next time you’ll have a much higher success rate. I’m sorry if I’m stepping on your toes here but I’d suggest some low stress training. The signal colas are usually very good but usually leave with a much smaller yield. If bent over and tied the side branches will explode and the plants will put on insane growth. Happy things are going well! I will be following much closer now too.

Thanks for stopping in @BigSm0

I totally understand where you're coming from with the LST. I normally did heavy defoliation on plants while also growing them out at a finishing size of around 3=>4.5ft. The reason I'm doing it this way is because I have a very small area and I also want to be pulling ~7-10 SOG sticks every harvest. Once I get these new clones I'm taking rooted I will be all set to start my perpetual grow. I'm going to end up with around 30 stick plants in the room.

Hope you stop by more often! I'm sure you will be by more when I have more ladies to show off:)
Day 37 of flower :)

I waited 3 days this time to feed and it shows on a few of the sticks in the pictures. The next reservoir 2l's I make are going to have a hole 2 1/2 or 2 1/4 from the bottom rather than 2" so I can go for 3 days not watering.

Some bad pictures but I tried to get some anyways. Ends up that I have 3 golden cobra and 4 cookies and cream. The one golden cobra is just a bit stretchier and bigger than the other 2 so I thought it was the CC until the nugs started forming then you can definitely tell a difference.

Some pictures

You probably mentioned it earlier I must have missed it. The style of growing is different than I’m used to but makes perfect sense for a tighter space. When you do get a bunch going in there I’m sure it’s going to be one heck of a grow. Funny you call them sticks!
Thanks! @Dabber


They totally are sticks haha. It will be super exciting to finally get a good amount of clones in there. I just finished my aero cloner today again and hopefully things will go better this time. If not I'll just veg out a mom or two that can give me a good amount of clones. I would already be close to 30 if that first batch didn't die and this upcoming batch lasted. I will be harvesting in around 2-3 weeks so if I can't get clones ready by then I'm going to definitely veg out a mom or two in my small tent so I can get an excess amount of clones.

Some nug porn


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@Madness looking good in there brother! Those sticks look frosty as hell, you should let 1 of the real frosty 1's get really big then flower lol,

@Dabber thats a nice looking room bro. What are your dimensions? I have a similar grow space in a guest room closet

That room is 64 x 60 x 8ft with the other 2 Autocobs coming I think I'll have it covered
It's looking good in there! How many plants will you do with how many # of cobs?? Is there 6 there and you are going for 8?

@Free Flow

I totally agree. The really frosty one is the cookies and cream. I wish I could grow a bigger plant of it but I really can't with my grow area(2ftwidex4ftlongx6fttall)and how I need to keep my grow as small looking as possible. Discreteness is key. Not saying that having a bunch of sticks is any better than having one full plant but on the eyes it looks a lot better having those small sticks than 4 monster plants. I mean realistically I could train and make it work in there but I'm really enjoying this idea of perpetual growing even though I haven't been able to fully jump in yet because my clones failed.

Sorry about the rambling :p
@Madness total of 8 cobs 4 Autocobs along with the Timber as the center piece the other 2 Autocobs will go in the back. In the beginning I didn't think there would be enough light for the space. You think it will? 8 to 10 plants depending on how much soil mix I have and amendments