Lighting Autocob Madness

I havent seen lady bugs for a while. I guess i could buy some. Do you recommend any foliar spray or anything i could get? Im going to try and wipe them down again with a quetip and water before i do anything.
Optic foliar overgrow. Go check out there sub forum u can add things to take care of bugs. Some looking over there and you should find what you need.
It's auto cob madness alright....I found a nice hovel. Its quiet, away from prying eyes and I can shoot up AFN and Cob lights without anyone the wiser. Ain't life grand?
I would recommend optic foliar overgrow and adding in neem oil if you can get it. Or if you want to use a foliar more in your grows I'd get the individual optic foliar bottles and mix your own up that's the same as overgrow itself. Its cheaper that way over the long term if you're going to use it regularly. If not regular, I'd get a bottle of overgrow and neem oil. I believe you can get neem oil in the US still, but not Canada.
Okay yall small update...

I didnt put water in the res for a day in a half and they survivd! Love this new way of growing. The roots are finally in the 2l res and they are taking off. At least the bigger clones are(different strain clearly). Not sure which strain is dominating but hopefully the other will catchup soon.

Thursday 12/7/17:
-gave 1/4 nutes, phd to 6.3
-went to hydro store to get optic foliar, decided instead to get what the hydro worker recommended for spider mites, "mighty". Says spray 4 days in a row before lights are on so it can dry up and it should kill all mites and their eggs. Also recommended floralicious plus which i have heard good things about so decided to give it a try.

Friday 12/8/17
- got a spray bottle before work(didnt spray mites yet)
-came home and looked at clones at around 2am(worked all day) and there was webbing on one of the clones. Not much, but enough to freak me out.
-turned off lights for the first time at 2am (have been running 24 hrs so far)

Saturday 12/9/17:
-woke up at 730am, sprayed all clones with "mighty" pesticide for the first time, let dry, then turned lights back on at 830am
-fed all clones around 8oz of water, 1/2 nutes, 1ml of floralicious plus, phd to 6.4 or 6.3, 780ppm

Extra notes:
-planned on giving 1/3rd nutes today instead of 1/2 strength but decided what the hell lets see what happens.
-first addition of the floralicious plus, interested to see how it does.
-plan on flipping to 12/12 either tomorrow (12/10) or monday (12/11). Either way the pesticide will be gone by the time the flowers will come.

No pictures right now but ill make sure to get you guys some in the next few days. One of the strains is really taking off with the clones having a height between 5"=>6.5". Obviously not that big but im looking for 18"=>20" stick colas. Some clones have started branching but ill just cut each branch off. Maybe try and clone them just for fun, i definitely think the branches are too small to clone but im cutting them anyways so lets experiment!

Any thoughts, questions, concerns are always appreciated!
Well i researched more and they are definitely spider mites (not like i couldnt figure that out from the web on the clone). I foundout the person i got the clones from had spider mites 2 rounds ago. Said they went between 2 different sprays and bombed the room and said they havent seen them since. He grows with a buddy and its at his buddies house and he hasnt been there since he gave me the im thinking he has his mites too.

Something i found researching...

"If you can see spider mites with your eyes, it means you probably have millions in the room waiting to hatch."

Looks like im about to bleach my whole tent, and spray the hell out of these clones.

Edit: i waited 2 months for my buddy to get me clones instead of ordering seeds right away. Im pretty pissed that i did that now. Lesson learned. Hopefully i can get rid of these things. The clones are very small still which is a huge benefit to getting rid of them.
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Another small update:

I foundout that the tent was running a lot warmer than expexted, even with a fan circulating the air in the tent. The high was 90 degrees, the low was 80. Im disappointed it wasn't cooler than i thought. I guess the lights are putting out a good amount of heat, and its definitely helping the mites reproduce.

I also have quite a small tent for the 4 autocobs. Its a 2ftx4ftx6ft...but i had to cut it down like an inch in a half width wise to fit in my closet so its more like 1.75ftx4ftx6ft...which is an extremely small area. If i had a 600w hps(apparently equivalent to the 4 autocobs) in the same area i would be burning my plants with over 100 degree temps. Plus id have to have at least a 6" fan and carbon filter. I havent even thrown my 4" can-fan on with the carbon filter yet and im sure that will help once im pushing the heat out of the tent instead of just a small box fan moving the air around within and a top hole open.

Most of the clones are around 5-6" now so i already set the timer today to start flower.

Today is day 2 of using the mighty. They seem a little stressed from everything that is going on but i have to get rid of the mites, and i cant let them get much bigger so flipping to flower and killing the mites over the next few days seems like the best plan. By the time the flowers truly come i want the mites to be gone so i dont use the pesticide on the pistols or nugs.

I dont have any pics but i will take some tonight to show you guys.

Edit: im not sure why im calling them small updates and then writing an essay...sorry guys! Haha
Okay guys another update...


Well it was a scary scene. After the first two days of spraying the mighty pesticide i decided to get in close and try to swab the dead mites/alive ones off of my plants.

Meanwhile little did i know....

These fuckers infested everything! I was disgusted with how many there were. I pulled at least 15 off of 1 clone i did what any sane person would do...

Emergency surgery(defoliation)

I stripped as many leaves as i could to get all of the eggs and mites off these clones. I really hope i can get rid of these suckers. I cant stand that this is happening. Its a learning experience though thats for sure. I noticed a few mites like a week in a half ago and i let it go untouched. My own fault.

All of the leaves i pulled off from the clones i threw into a ziplock baggie and sprayed the pesticide in the bag and threw them out. Then took the garbage outside. Hopefully they die a horrible death.

Today 12/11/17 i did another mighty sprsy. Ill feed them later tonight.

Anyways, heres some pics of during the defoliation and after.


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