Lighting Autocob Madness


I didnt end up feeding them last night. This morning i went into the tent and they were looking better than ever. A little stretchy already but at least they are looking good. The bigger clones were between 5.5"=>6.5" and now they are at ~7". The defoliation kicked them into gear i think along with the light flip. I didnt get a chance to look real close at them to check out the mites but i will check them out if i get home early tonight before the lights shut off. If not ill have to look at them in the am.


-Fed them @ 6.5ph, 800ppm
-1/2 strength lucas formula
-1gal measurment of floralicious plus
-Havent been using calmag but i might soon
-4th day of mighty pesticide spray(hydro store worker said this is how many days i would need but ill probably do it another 2-3 days even if i dont see any mites)
-2nd day since light flip

I am hoping my stripping of the clones with defoliation will really help get rid of the mites but we shall see with time. I plan on cleaning my tent with bleach as im sure there are eggs randomly in there and i also have been spraying the tent walls with mighty accidentally.

A few pics, nothing crazy.

I plan on taking a clone off the one plant that has a branch coming off of it. Itll be the smallest clone i have ever tried. Wish me luck!

A few other clones look like they started branching as well, which i will cut off in a day or so. Id prefer to have one stick colas! If we make it past the spider mites that is.


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Small update...

-Did some more defoliation. Took maybe 5-7 smaller bottom leaves off of the plants. They looked like they had eggs and there was around 5-10 mites left. Im not sure if they were dead or not, i only saw one moving.

Pm(30 min after lights off):
- fed 850ppm water..lucas formula 1/2 strength l, floralicious plus(1ml for a gallon).

-Ph 6.5(they love this for some reason even though its hydro).

-Sprayed the mighty spray again. I tried to get under even the bottom leaves (where i keep seeing eggs/mites leftover or alive)

Also if you guys have time checkout my seedsman review....
Another update...

Been feeding every other day now. Plants are looking good, i havent sprayed the mighty in about 3 or 4 days. Small bottom leaves still have some eggs i think. Just wanted to see how they were doing without the spray. Ill be spraying for the next 5 or so days to make sure i kill them all.

Hopefully these mites will get the hell out of here cause i want some nice nug coming soon!!
Im pretty sure that we are on day 8 of flower. Ill have to check again when i get home.


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no pics tonight:(. my phone just died so I have to get another one. then I will have pics!

but update anyways..

today is day 13 since I flipped the lights. haven't seen spider mites in what seems like ages.

pH: 6.5
ppm: 840(1/2 strength Lucas formula with my well water)

still have a few smaller branches on a few clones but they don't have any nug building on that lower part but I'll cut those tomorrow because I want just one cola. I figured out I have 5 of one close and 2 of the other. from the way they are stretching it's very obvious. I am going to find out from my friend soon which strain stretched more for him and then I'll know.

I'm excited to be in flower and to be getting new genetics soon. things are finally picking up:)
Finally was able to get another phone. Glad to be back and posting with you guys. I hope you all had an amazing Christmas/holiday because I know I did..I got my christmas bong on the 23rd and was smoking it all through the holidays. Love it!!!! Ill post pics of that later but for now some plant pornography..

-today fed with just water with a pH of 6.5(waited since the 23rd so 2 days without watering)
-flower day 16 (since light flip)
- tallest is 15", shortest 6.5"
-no mites in site

So far so good!

I'm trying to upload pics but my phones being stupid so ill keep trying
Notes from yesterday(01/01/18)
-fed pH of 6.5 with ppm of 850
-flower day 22 (since light flip)
- tallest is 17.5", shortest 7.5"
-no mites in site

My friend got some lady bugs for the clones that I had given him and he was able to have enough to give me some as well. I will be throwing them in today just to make sure there are no more mite issues that can creep up later!

Things are looking good and i'm very happy with the plants progress. This way of growing is finally looking good to me and things are going awesome.

its crazy to think that I haven't grown in a year and that different things played a part. Almost everything i'm doing is different than before.

new lights, new grow medium, new grow style, new method of watering, and i had mites. yet here we are with these sticks looking good and ready to produce some nice nug!

finally got some pictures for you guys:)


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Got some more pics for you guys...

I also built my diy 5gallon bucket aero cloner. Took 8 clones of the cookies and cream, and 4 clones of a fruity pebbles bag seed.

Next batch of clones will be golden cobra and some of a random bag seed my buddy is growing.

Day 26 of flower
-going to up the nutes for the cc later today. The gc is doing well on the half strength Lucas formula.
-only 29-37 days away from harvest:)

Very happy with how things are going. I wish more people would comment and follow the journal but what can you do:(

In the pictures the small short stacks noded plant is the golden cobra(frosty as well). Longer, stretchier is the cookies and cream.
Some pics of the aero cloner as well.


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hey everyone sorry it took a while for me to be back with an update. I lost my phone that i just started using so now I have no phone for pictures or anything :(. Ill be getting a new one soon though so no worries there!

update anyways..

here's some bad's been 9 days in the aero cloner and there are only 6 clones left. all the others have died and none have shown roots yet. it's looking like i fucked up trying to transport them in the bad weather and not using cloning gel. huge mistake on my part and i'll have to figure out what to do to fix it:(.

Today is day 34 of flower.

-fed 1/2 strength lucas formula, 1ml floralicious plus
-ph 6.2=>6.3ish(trying to lower the ph a little to allow different nutrient uptake as i was only using 6.5 for a long time)
-ppm 830ish

I wish i had some pictures for you guys because things are really starting to take off. I'm enjoying every bit of this grow that's for sure. Hopefully i can get some pictures for you guys soon, maybe some nice close pics of the tric production from the cob lights.

stay tuned guys, it shall be a good one :).
To bad on the clones. It’s all a learning curve isn’t it? I’m sure next time you’ll have a much higher success rate. I’m sorry if I’m stepping on your toes here but I’d suggest some low stress training. The signal colas are usually very good but usually leave with a much smaller yield. If bent over and tied the side branches will explode and the plants will put on insane growth. Happy things are going well! I will be following much closer now too.