Are you passing out cigars??:smoking:
Its a girl! You got the lil ladies in high gear my friend
yeah, they sure are kicking some ass, aren't they? Wait till photo updates today

The Duurty's putting some serious width on them, leaves hanging well beyond the pot & extended over both pots on each side of that girl like around 14-16inches wide maybe slightly more from end to end, the height increased a bit also.. the Dragons are into bondage and wanted be tried down

To date I haven't touched the Duurtys, them two seem be training themselves and not into bondage like the Dragon's

..The Duurty's look almost 100% Indica really fat leafs, The Dragon's also showing a lot of Indica traits, but looks to show signs of a couple sativa traits to me, just because that one seem more stretchy with more separation between inter-nodes, Duurty's more squat closer internode's just more compact & much fatter leaves, but to be fair, that one also more under Led then the Dragon's are, which can also throw little bigger leaves then under far everything ahead of schedule(where plants are) The feedings will start increasing to every other day, starting tomorrow(sat 11/4) I will also increase nutrient doses, since I feel these entering mid-veg...will increase again at late-veg/transition to flower. then start taper off grow nutes 2nd week of early bloom & add in extra bud booster.. I will post some photo's in little bit.