Jaw dropping indeed! What way to start the new year
Am glad you guys liking them! All 3 coming out super, The 2nd Duurty is a very Impressive looking girl.. I really think you'll be very happy with yields & grow/smoke reports..Jaw dropping indeed! What way to start the new year
yeah welll this has nothing to do with my medium, it's only the smart pots and only on outside of them... thats reason why I'm record when I do flush to prove just that. the fly flew in a long time ago I watched the bastard fly in... then after a couple days, was over run with them... I heard everything under the stars as to the cause to my problem except for the actual cause...I know the cause really I watched the bastard fly in... my hands were kinda full at the time, but I remember the day well now...I still have no pests what so ever with the peat moss and cow shit . I think imma stick with the shit lol
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