Indoor AutoBeanStalks Communal Test Thread..Git Ya Some Dragons !!!

I squeezed it earlier but nothing happened. First time this has happen to me I always have good success. I'm at work right now -_+ fuck graveyard shift lol.. when I get out I'll check on em again
Just squeeze and open it then u can see if its still white. If it is leave it in a papertowel, sometimes takes 3 to 4 days I dunno why lol . the dragon was a record I believe i posted I was soaking it then when it cracked it was 14 hours later .

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5 duurtys getting started in some r/o
Mine didn't crack after 48hrs so I'm just gonna toss em and now do paper towel method n see what happens.
I do same thing nizmo, kinda last ditch effort... but I wouldn't expect to see a tail if you havent seen by now. probably just best start couple new ones.
I think all 6 I started may take.... they all have sank to bottom, which to me is a very good sign, they floated for approx 18hrs i tap 1 or 2 that were floating and they sank also. so with any luck with-in next 8-10hrs i should start to see some action going on,possibly less... keeping fingers crossed....they are sitting on a warm area, the last 20+ hours they were not. so I am hoping that will help open them pretty quickly and by tomorrow morning they should be good to set in coco,depending on if we see any action before today is over. everyone send some good karma this way, I need these to start!!
How come no one tagged me on this?? You all know how much I LOVE dragons!

Ill be the late entry but ill be there for sure. Im really stoked to see what my queen dragons will look like before I start. Hopefully our team documents well . Anyone doing hydro except me?

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