Indoor AutoBeanStalks Communal Test Thread..Git Ya Some Dragons !!!

usually before i throw them out, I will change where I have them for last ditch effort... that's why I thought you said that..but I don't think it's ever helped maybe 1 time it did... but i can't honestly say it does.
here are some pics:

Dragon's Blood

Dragon's Blood pic1 -9-28-2017.jpg

DB and BD breeders

Breed cab pic1 -9-28-2017.jpg

Blue Dragon Seedlings

Blue Dragon seedling pic2 -90-28-2017.jpg
Blue Dragon seedlings pic1 -9-28-2017.jpg

hey guys, I just checked on them beans and I can see two cracked so far 1 dragon queen, 1 duurty magic .....about 3-4 hrs I'll check again to see if any other's have too. so far so good :D
well guys, it's been a few hours and I re-checked my beans and more good news both duurty magic are viable, the dragon queen 2 of 4 possibly 3 hard to tell, but I think all 4 will take & have some sort of tail by morning. Am glad I don't have to restart any at this time, now hopefully out of them 4 I can manage to get 2 fems, I should get one atleast, that was idea of starting 4 ;) I have some other's on way too will start them at once them I should receive rather quickly. I want make use of my tent, co2, etc... not to mention I do love having a variety to smoke ----I just noticed it only been 3hrs since I checked last and gained 2 maybe 3 more... I really think all four will be fine.
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my germ rate pretty good 100% over last 6 grows.