Grow Room Auto White Widow (Seedsman freebie) in 2 litre bottle

Wow she's looking great. Just had a WW from Seedsman sprout the other day, looking how yours is coming along I may have to pop a couple more. Awesome job
Thank you, that has only about 1 litre worth of soil in it and its doing well, I gotta water it twice a day though. I do 1tbsp each if the three gh nutes line in 1 gallon of water and its working well. Should be a good one for you to grow. I can't wait till mine finishes, and I hope to see yours too.
Day 28
She is looking good:cheers:. Great job
Thank you. I am enjoying this grow as it seems to be one if my best grows to date. I think I needed to dial in my grow a lot and had to get things down in the way of nutes too. I love having the extra space I have now, it is awesome to have space for more than one plant like I had before. Although I did pull some good weight off of some of my grows in my super small tent.