Auto Warriors Do...Discretepete..for Staff Interviews

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great way to score your meat
Then I know the animals had a good life and was properly sacrificed. That bloody meat from the supermarket, I don't eat.
Did't like the oister myself. Her Ladyship wanted to try once. A one time experience. Just like ox tripe, as I ordered once by accident. If you ever tasted tripe, you know what I mean.

Yeah you know I'm all for waste not want not BUT there's certain things I just will not eat.

I'll never forget the first and last time I put a raw oyster in my mouth... Felt like I had two tongues. One hot and one cold. Pardon my English but fuck that!!
Have cook now. I have chicken. Boiled potatoes and fried chicken with bbq spice.
Yeah you know I'm all for waste not want not BUT there's certain things I just will not eat.

I'll never forget the first and last time I put a raw oyster in my mouth... Felt like I had two tongues. One hot and one cold. Pardon my English but fuck that!!
I'm with you on that note.. I have a saying for that but I won't share it here
Yeah you know I'm all for waste not want not BUT there's certain things I just will not eat.

I'll never forget the first and last time I put a raw oyster in my mouth... Felt like I had two tongues. One hot and one cold. Pardon my English but fuck that!!
I have 5 dogs. Nothing goes to waste here.
Leftover meat or pieces I cut off the meat I prep for us, we cut to dog treats and keep them frozen in portions.
I have 5 dogs. Nothing goes to waste here.
Leftover meat or pieces I cut off the meat I prep for us, we cut to dog treats and keep them frozen in portions.

Same here! Raccoons, Possums, and skunks clean up shop on our land. Possums eat bones too so literally nothing goes to waste. Something eats it!
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