Auto Warriors Do...Discretepete..for Staff Interviews

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thanks Indi, I rest me case, hahahaha
bhahaha ;)
peace and love bro ;)
Indi, the same 12 robots are still with us, bunch of lurkers, how do we infect them, bring em on in?
Sorry I missed your jump in DP. Your the man well deserved. Catch up later ✌️
really? i didnt know we could see lurkers ...BBBut if your a lurker and your not doin much come in and enjoy your friday have a bong or 50 and stick around for a chat what could be better?? wanna talk growin ? we do that too!! ;)
Evening chaps and chapess's, just stopped by t'say I'll be home soon and I hope you're all behaving yourselves! :bighug: :pass:...:yeah:
A special mention to eP...hope things went well brotha! :karmacloud: sent my friend! :passit:
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