Auto Warriors Do...Discretepete..for Staff Interviews

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I'll be back battery's dead
Little tune while Pete answers ure questions....

Favourite strains mmmm
Fastbuds wcog
Dinafem blue cheese
Dinafem kushncheese
Or a son in law job! :crying: Maybe mossy isn't telling us something... :rofl:

If he grabs ahold of your leg... Best let him finish.... :crying:

I'll raise my glass and doobie to that and Pink! One bad ass chick from Philly!! And of course to Pete! :smokeout: Welcome to the freak show!
I felt poor little Joe duets pain in that message....lmao
Doc is taking a seat...joint is fat. Her Ladyship demands dinner service in an hour. :pass:

@Bailey :bighug:
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