Indoor Auto Ultimate v Lime Daiquiri (Dutch Passion)

i May have to pull the plug on this grow as it is just too outa control! i have super cropped em all em all over now, but there is just so much foliage they are blocking themselves out from the light, i can't see getting any yield from this at all!
I really underestimated at what these DP Auto's can do! never seen growth like it before.. my only other course of action other to strip the room out, would be to take out the lighting fixtures and place bare bulbs right up there in the roof space! pulling my hair out over it atm! age lol
If you haven't already scrapped it you can still LST and defoliate to get better light penetration, after all of that work it would be horrible to see them go down early. but if you have to then you have to.
If you haven't already scrapped it you can still LST and defoliate to get better light penetration, after all of that work it would be horrible to see them go down early. but if you have to then you have to.

I've alread de-foiliated twice and LSD twice... tomorrow i'm gonna remove half of em and tie the remaining down and tr and save what i have.. been a Nightmare lol... Only myself to blame really though.. I chose the biggest Auto strain i could for my first Auto run, not believing the Hype and that Auto's had evolved so much!.. never sen growth like it in my life.. I will never under estimate an Auto again.. ;)
I've alread de-foiliated twice and LSD twice... tomorrow i'm gonna remove half of em and tie the remaining down and tr and save what i have.. been a Nightmare lol... Only myself to blame really though.. I chose the biggest Auto strain i could for my first Auto run, not believing the Hype and that Auto's had evolved so much!.. never sen growth like it in my life.. I will never under estimate an Auto again.. ;)

Yeah man they really have come a long way in terms of what auto's are capable of. I honestly believe that I can get some of these super auto strains to consistently produce more than photo strains. I think the reason this is the case it that the ruderalis genes that make them autoflower are conditioned to grow as fast as they possibly can in the northern latitudes where the growing season is very short. So they have the capacity to grow really really fast, if given all of the proper environmental variables that is. Keep up the good work and take some pics so we can see what the new slimmed down version looks like. Sending super grow Karma your way my friend
Cheers for the encouragement buddy, will keep yas posted ;)
half of the girls ave been removed to try and save the rest... was surprised to find a few good looking girls in amongst em ;)
