Auto topping thread,pushing the auto limits;)

Good day growers im a master photo and auto grower.but my passion is with autoflower seeds.i been on a mission for 5 years growing now trying diffrent methods of training on autos to see what they truly behold.truth is autos aint no diffrent to a normal plant other than they flower on there own.u can top lst supercrop and defol autos with monster results if done at the correct time.oviously every plant is diffrent so always use the seed info as a rough guide;) and a short plant can yield just as much as a tall plant;) in this thread i will show u all along the way of the true limits of autos and there true potential as i grow them for u all to see;).also if ur an auto grower who likes to push the limits,do speak up and all pics of ur autos and talk and all questions welcome on pushing the auto a few examples of the results achived topping an auto young followed by later lst.few heavy defols along the way ,gives u an army of dominant colas and a big heavy yield.and a beautiful is automazar topped and lstd;)
Think most go for 10 to 20%......depending on the type of high they want......I shoot for 20 myself.

How do you measure that so precisely?:crying:

Haha just joking.. :hump:

I know what you mean but it remains a difficult one, most buds can be in different stages when you look at them with a microscope
Good day fine today 5 days later . @Antonio_DutchPassion automazar got the chop.was not an easy task to trim on my own.took me just shy of 4 hours. But well worth glad I could share with u all the automazar,from white fuzzy hairs,to stinking fat solid nugs;) what a treat. recommend to any grower ,who likes a trouble free tree;) well here she is;)

Keep it green growers, keep safe and happy growing every1;)
Hey guys, what you think about my poor lady, yesterday I gave her water and somehow washed her out, she literally fell down on the side, roots out just for a second, I planted her back quickly. Today after work I noticed she has these yellow-ish spots/burns on one of her leaves and she's not looking happy in general for me. It's a beginning of the end or im overreacting and could fix it?
Hey guys, what you think about my poor lady, yesterday I gave her water and somehow washed her out, she literally fell down on the side, roots out just for a second, I planted her back quickly. Today after work I noticed she has these yellow-ish spots/burns on one of her leaves and she's not looking happy in general for me. It's a beginning of the end or im overreacting and could fix it? View attachment 1504505View attachment 1504506View attachment 1504507
They don't need alot of water at this time.i soak my medium with 3 litre of water and then plant my seed.u dont really need to water heavy until week 3/4 when have an established root system. Give them a good 3/4 days as seedlings between watering.and lift Ur pot when it's easy guide to tell u when to water;) happy growing every1;)
Good day fine today 5 days later . @Antonio_DutchPassion automazar got the chop.was not an easy task to trim on my own.took me just shy of 4 hours. But well worth glad I could share with u all the automazar,from white fuzzy hairs,to stinking fat solid nugs;) what a treat. recommend to any grower ,who likes a trouble free tree;) well here she is;)
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Keep it green growers, keep safe and happy growing every1;)

Spot on man! :thumbsup: Perfect job :cooldance:

Nicely looking pictures too! :d5:
Hello again folks, WOW Yours looks awesome Beast !! WOW :thumbsup:, I only wish.,.,.,.

Hoping to get some of you good folks thoughts on these ladies. My Blue Berry Auto's, both same age (same ones in my few earlier post). Pretty much 7 weeks today, day 50.
They seem to be getting some colors, lots of deep purple , seems they turn yellow-ish then get some dark-er colors too (?:nono: )
could this be normal for a blueberry ? or perhaps a deficiency ?
What to do ? Harvest now ? Was going to give them one more bloom feed, but maybe not ?
Im assuming they're just doin there thing and showing there colors, because the flowers look very healthy and growing well ,filling in nicely I feel
but again first grow, would hate to make BIG mistake at this point, im guessing maybe 2-4 more weeks till harvest (??)

any/all advice/comments/suggestions welcomed, thank you.

heres one


and the second one



closet shot


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Hello again folks, WOW Yours looks awesome Beast !! WOW :thumbsup:, I only wish.,.,.,.

Hoping to get some of you good folks thoughts on these ladies. My Blue Berry Auto's, both same age (same ones in my few earlier post). Pretty much 7 weeks today, day 50.
They seem to be getting some colors, lots of deep purple , seems they turn yellow-ish then get some dark-er colors too (?:nono: )
could this be normal for a blueberry ? or perhaps a deficiency ?
What to do ? Harvest now ? Was going to give them one more bloom feed, but maybe not ?
Im assuming they're just doin there thing and showing there colors, because the flowers look very healthy and growing well ,filling in nicely I feel
but again first grow, would hate to make BIG mistake at this point, im guessing maybe 2-4 more weeks till harvest (??)

any/all advice/comments/suggestions welcomed, thank you.

heres one

View attachment 1504701View attachment 1504702View attachment 1504703

and the second one

View attachment 1504704View attachment 1504705
View attachment 1504706

closet shot

View attachment 1504711
View attachment 1504712
Looking nice.maybe there heavy feeders showing slight fade;) budding strong happy ladies.great job so far;) happy growing every1;)