Auto topping thread,pushing the auto limits;)

Good day growers im a master photo and auto grower.but my passion is with autoflower seeds.i been on a mission for 5 years growing now trying diffrent methods of training on autos to see what they truly behold.truth is autos aint no diffrent to a normal plant other than they flower on there own.u can top lst supercrop and defol autos with monster results if done at the correct time.oviously every plant is diffrent so always use the seed info as a rough guide;) and a short plant can yield just as much as a tall plant;) in this thread i will show u all along the way of the true limits of autos and there true potential as i grow them for u all to see;).also if ur an auto grower who likes to push the limits,do speak up and all pics of ur autos and talk and all questions welcome on pushing the auto a few examples of the results achived topping an auto young followed by later lst.few heavy defols along the way ,gives u an army of dominant colas and a big heavy yield.and a beautiful is automazar topped and lstd;)
Thankyou very much.she is perfect In every way. A plant that is a must in every growers garden;) happy growing every1;)
So many strains so little space :haha:. I have not grown that one but it is on the list of "Some Time".
Hello again Good Folks, Id much rather ask my question(s) in this thread, but tell if I should go to another like beginner growers (?)
Again My first grow with autos, these beans are from ilgm , the one in particular is Blueberry auto.
They are 27 days today, topped at 16 days,defol along the way, lstd 3/4 days ago.
there are 2 BBA's, the one looks great, the other has been kinda sparse from the get go (as you can see)
all along they have shown they're sex, the sparse one almost appears to be in bud mode, full mode ?
guessing I should just let her go ?
I just started to give them veg nutes, and wonder if I should feed it bloom nutes ? maybe wait and see what happens in a few days?
seems quick to start to flower already, maybe its not full bloom (?)

any advice/suggestions/comments how to continue are welcomed please !
also im assuming it all about the Genetics ?(learning !)
Thank You Very Much !

This is the second BBA, looks completely different. but still shows sex all along.
I’m a rookie on my first grow and I’m curious as to why cut the main fan leaves off so early in the grow? Doesn’t that inhibit the growth that accompanies it? I’d guess the plant would then just transfer energy into growing a new leaf? I was scared to cut mine haha I finally did a couple days ago and they’re 65 days old. Plants grew nicely so I’ll be doing it that way but I’m always curious when and why different growers cut them because I have a lot to learn.
Hello again Good Folks, Id much rather ask my question(s) in this thread, but tell if I should go to another like beginner growers (?)
Again My first grow with autos, these beans are from ilgm , the one in particular is Blueberry auto.
They are 27 days today, topped at 16 days,defol along the way, lstd 3/4 days ago.
there are 2 BBA's, the one looks great, the other has been kinda sparse from the get go (as you can see)
all along they have shown they're sex, the sparse one almost appears to be in bud mode, full mode ?
guessing I should just let her go ?
I just started to give them veg nutes, and wonder if I should feed it bloom nutes ? maybe wait and see what happens in a few days?
seems quick to start to flower already, maybe its not full bloom (?)

any advice/suggestions/comments how to continue are welcomed please !
also im assuming it all about the Genetics ?(learning !)
Thank You Very Much !
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This is the second BBA, looks completely different. but still shows sex all along.
View attachment 1494474
Looking well.pistils is just her showing she is girl.keep them on veg until u see stretch happen and slow down.then hit with bloom;) all the best from me, happy growing every1;)