Auto topping thread,pushing the auto limits;)

Good day growers im a master photo and auto grower.but my passion is with autoflower seeds.i been on a mission for 5 years growing now trying diffrent methods of training on autos to see what they truly behold.truth is autos aint no diffrent to a normal plant other than they flower on there own.u can top lst supercrop and defol autos with monster results if done at the correct time.oviously every plant is diffrent so always use the seed info as a rough guide;) and a short plant can yield just as much as a tall plant;) in this thread i will show u all along the way of the true limits of autos and there true potential as i grow them for u all to see;).also if ur an auto grower who likes to push the limits,do speak up and all pics of ur autos and talk and all questions welcome on pushing the auto a few examples of the results achived topping an auto young followed by later lst.few heavy defols along the way ,gives u an army of dominant colas and a big heavy yield.and a beautiful is automazar topped and lstd;)
Slater no mate not topped that strain but did top there blackberry auto.took it great grew just under 4 ft tall .and gg is a strong plant from what i seen here grown by im sure she will take it very of luck;)
Slater no mate not topped that strain but did top there blackberry auto.took it great grew just under 4 ft tall .and gg is a strong plant from what i seen here grown by im sure she will take it very of luck;)

cheers @autobeast , I shall give it go in the name of research
In the name of research I have actually topped dwarf plants and they took usual response adequate to a good manner - 4 days and back on the track with multiple colas ready to flower [emoji41]

Green all the way.
If anyone would be wondering when etc.etc.
What did was planted sprouted seedling into 50/50 soil with perlite ( my soil is homebase whatever name in blue packing with added John innes compost) perfect ph for growing. Two or three days after seedlings sprouted out from soil and this is counted as day one, topping was done in 15th day of their life which is around best time for such hardcore plant training.
picture 1 is 1st of april.
Picture 2 is 4th of april.
After returning from work I'll show you plant today, week after hurting those [emoji41]

Green all the way.
My plant, topping example requisite is a Autoflowering Short stuff no.1,bought by mistake in regular version, out from 5 seeds, 4 sprouted, one broke taproot,never saw again, another three went great, up until today where middle one shown up little balls hence got flushed in toilet.

Green all the way.

