New Grower Auto Seeds - Berry Ryder Grow/Strain Review

Ok maybe i was wrong
Maybe her color change just comes a bit more later in her life cycle
Bc shes lookin awfully purple and pink and blueish even
I still cant see it from the naked eye when i have her out for feeding in the evening and stuff she look normal mostly
Bright green and neon orange hairs all over her.......
But when i look at that pic up above from the top view looking straight down on the top of her main cola, then i can see the purplish a blueish color to her really well.......
Im not sure if its the lights when shes out in the middle of the living room on the coffee table or if i just cant tell right now bc they are still changing keeping temps relatively cool by cannabis standards
Between 70 and 77 degrees constantly
Never above or below that hi and low bc im tryin to induce some color change
But it looks like she actually will be a colorful pheno.....and ive definatly already established that it is 100% a very fruity smelling pheno........still just the slightest faint aroma of skunky higrade marijuana for sure, but about 90% of the smell is a definite distinct smell of pure blueberry.......
It still amazes me a cannabis plant smells like fruit tastes.........i sincerely hope she rastes a 10th as good as she smells
Ifso, ill officially consider myself a true BAMF..
Imma have to buy a new carbon filter i believe
Or just open my window
Iont think anyone would even think about it being cannabis w its smell shes throwing off.....theres a hint of skunkness.......
But mainly sweet berry
Auto Seeds - Berry Ryder : Day 48/49

She had a lower branch bud that was so solid and heavy and oozing resin and she started pulln the brach sideways and twisting her really bad almost to the point of pulling the whole brach around and i cut that one off and opened her up some more in the middle and hopefully these last 2 - 2 and a half weeks orso theyll all plumpen up alot more.......imma start the flush in prob 8 or 10 days from now and get ready for chop after that........i am anxious to see the swell on these puppies and see the end weight..........its gonna get a nice long proper cure as sense in puttin time n effort into it then halfass a cure and lose the flavor ive been tryin to preserve as much of as possible
Fuck that......
Im too proud to not do it to my best anyhow.........
Excited for sure

Yea im nuting pretty heavily now
Starting to burn her tips a bit
But im doing it purposefully, i wanna see how hard incan push her now that shes about finished and ill be flushing her out for a good 10 days atleast in another 7 or 8 days ill start her flushing
Hell I feel you on that, see what the bitch can take then back it down a little once you start gettin burned tips! Good luck can't wait to see her finished out brother
Wont be long now pal
Choppin her down in the next 2 weeks or so
Right around there
I cant wait either
The only bad thing is when its this heavy and sticky it takes forever to dry out decently enough to jar
Then u have to keep a REALLY close eye on every single bud u have jarred up bc of mold issues......shes sooo sticky its hard tellin how long shell take to cure out really well.......but it takes however long it takes
Im cutting no corners on this topshelf product
Thats for certain.......

My Hubbabubbasmelloscope is hitting her growth spurt as well togaining a good amount of growth daily now
Hope she turns out well too
Just startd nuting her a few days ago
And shes taking off signs kf burn or any unhealthy development
Hope she smells like bubblegum for sure
Theres links to my grows under my msgs.....most ppl have their grows set that way as a signature........
Check it out
Its a competition i got huge.......theres a buncha ppl in it and picked up sponsorship and an admin took it over