New Grower Auto Seeds - Berry Ryder Grow/Strain Review

You definately should.........thats what i was tellin this other cat on here,
Im so happy i still have like 4 more seeds of this............i def will be keeping this on hand at all times..........ive already took a tester.......or two, hahah......
But honestly the 2nd one i took bc id broken a branch off her when i got her out once to bring her to the tub for a good i thought what the hell.....and stuck it in water for like 24 to 36 hours and its still drying right now......
I cant wait to try it prob tomorrow. ......she wont have a cure to her yet so shell be more grassy tasting im sure but her strength should be there
Thats the main thing........
Once I start noticing the trics going amber how long does it typically take from first few ambering to all amber?????
Does that vary by strain or growing methods or nutes and conditions or all of the above???
I just need to know if i start to notice them ambering should i keep a close watch bc they turn quick once they start or if imma come home from work one day and they just all be amber or sumthn ya know what im sayin?
Anyone able to shed a lil light on this if possible?
Usually on mines i like 25% amber 75% cloudy. As soon as i see the first amber i usually let it go 3-5 days and hit that sweetspot for me
Thanks @UrbanFarmer420
App it brother
Welcome to AFN as well

Happy Growing Sir
Look forward to checkin out some new growers stuff really.......

I just noticed one here and there that has went amber
Its porb literally at like 5% amber as of this morning
Just one or so every few seconds ill see when checking her over
So very few have turned so far
I started my flush yesterday morning i believe it was
Or maybe day before
Thats the only bad thing ab perpetual grows
It gets confusing on what youve given what to on what days
After these finish up it should be close to first of the year and imma start up a few vertigos and a few fastbudz seeds as well
Im superstoked ab the fastbudz

I wish Auto Seeds had a section on this site......
Bc i believe this is seriously gonna be some of the best smoke ive had in quite a while......
Shes finally chabging colors for me
Hell fuckin yea she is pretty
And if she has a quarter of the flavor of her smell then shes gonna be some sweet ass pungent top shelf bud i can say that w confidence........the fruity sweet candy smell is overwhelming almost......w a hint of skunk in there somewhere.......
My tester lit my ass up this morning on my way here to work...
God bless the inventor of clear eyes
Which is obviously Ben Stein
for those of you old enough to remember those commercials
Hahah thats all i think ab whenever i pickup my visine or clear eyes
I hear Ben Stein sayin, "Stops itching burning and redness while moisturizing your eyes"
Which in turn triggerz
Ok im done
If anyone cares this is a must acquire for all you lovers of the fruity sweet smelling and tasting buds and colorful smoke.......
Shes handled EVERY BIT of the nutes i threw at her and took em all like a champ w minimal signs of nute burn
At time using 10 mls per liter of base bloom nutes on top of rec doseages for all my Advanced Nutrients line pictured back a few pages in this grow journal........
Sp shes tough as hell
And has stayed immaculate looking thru every bit of it..........
You wont be disappointed w this strain, and if you are, then call me
Ill take the product off your hands gladly
That was a joke
Thanks all
Looking forward to D-Day for this beautiful plant......
Yea im definitely going to start my own grow journal in a couple months as im growing outdoors. I have all the equipment for indoor but my last grow there was a police helicopter coming around and just decided to cut it early and hang up my indoor growing gloves lol. Im also doing a couple fastbud gsc, greenhouse kalashnikov, cheese and auto seeds candy kush so im pretty excited for this years outdoor season.
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Imma have a few im throwin outside this year myself

Intrested to see the diff in an indoor and outdoor grow w autos

I have some Arjans strawberry haze ill be puttin out this year
That and some berry bombs jack sparrow strawberry cough and raspberry dielsel are the only photos i have out of like 75 strains i have hoarded
that's awesome. I have smoked strawberry cough and deff some excellent smoke. I actually found two photos Holy grail 69, and bubbas gift but I'm not sure if I should put them out this year as I'm in a area were there is little to no woods unless I go 25 miles out so waiting until September/October would be a hassle and possibly a recipe for disaster. But none the less I'm excited and cant wait to see how your strains do as you have done a very great job with this berry ryder.