New Grower Auto Seeds - Berry Ryder Grow/Strain Review

That berry ryder is looking first class dude. How much longer has she got now?
Yea theyre great man for real
Ive gotten them as quick as 4 days i believe was the quickest
Or 5 maybe
It was insanely fast tho
Crazy stuff for sure bro
U wont be disappointed w this strain ill tell u that
I can practically watch these things swell real time

@sanguine she was germed on 10/2
First day above soil was 10/7 if i remember right
So its at day 44 or 45 now
Still has plenty of time to swell brother
And she is
Believe that
And the most amazing stinch ive ever had on a growing plant
It seriously is straight up blueberry smelling brother
I wish i could bottle it for everyone and let u get a whiff
It blows my mind everytime i open the tent up
Which is often now that she stink so well
Here is a few more pics of her right now and her main cola is sooo pretty

Holy shit
Thanks @scally420
Appreciate the slap pal
I am really pleased w her man
She is gaining noticably everyday now
Ill start postin pics of main cola everyday next to a mt dew can or sumthn so everyone can see developmental progress
But aside from that the aroma shes throwing out is seriously mind blowing to me anyhow
Ive never grown anything w this distinct of a fruity smell to her..........if i had a choice in the matter shed be a bit bigger everywhere but at the time id started her i had only organic nutes and decided after she started to bloom to get alot of the advanced nutrients brand nutes and honestly she has taken off since ive added those to her feed and now she is so sticky and stinky it just amazes me these things can produce like they do at the speed they do
Theyre perfect in my opinion, and if it werent for everyone in here helping iono what id have done......but it wouldnt be done this well i can tell you all that
So thank you everybody for your help and input so far i just realized this thread has over 2000 views
That also to me is mindblowing
So thanks for watching everybody who has kept up thus far
Your all appreciated greatly and thank god for this site for real. . .its a great community w great skilled and eager to help the in expierienced growers w these varieties such as myself as this is only my 2nd indoor grown plant and 2nd LED grown plant and also my 2nd ever autoflower ive ever grown as well
I thought i had everything i wanted when id germed her but i ended up picking up quite a few more things since ive started her
Now i have airpots and other things as well that ill be including in my next grow
I plant to have some Vertigos in a couple airpots in coco to see how that goes and if there is any advantage to switching from soil to well see
I also ordered about half of the fastbuds seeds as well ill prob throw a few of those as well in some excited to see how they perform too........ thanks everybody and Happy Growing and Happy Holidays......
I'm damn excited about the future and your grows merlin. Thank you for updating us and giving us a show man! Anxious to see that coco grow too, that's the media I'm goin to be growing in myself
This mornings update before heading to work
Only a couple weeks left on this bitch and shell be finished finally
Im sooo super excited to have some top shelf stuff i cant even wait to smoke it.....
Ive wanted to chop for a week now on looks alone

I salivate smelling these blueberry smells when i walk past
I love this strain
By far the fruitiest yet

Hahahah yea i know right
Id love to be able to have her alove come christmas eve and morning
Id put presents under it and decorate the hell outta it and then chop her down and wait to enjoy
But looks like ill be smoking her come christmas eve honestly
She showed herself thru the spil on 10/5 i think it was
Its says a 60 to 65 day strain
But imma try to let yer go as long as possibleso right around 12/5 will be 60 days or right at it ab the 2nd week of dec she should be ready to chop if the description is any indication
Which it usually is close from what ive seen
Some take longer some finish right on time per description and all.......
But i personally let the plant tell me when shes finished producing and swelling
This one has went very favorably
I kept her spread well and strategically defoliated here and there to get better light to lower nodes......and finally got my mars back a few days ago and hooked her up for a lil extra juice in her final few weeks

I reckon ill start her flush ab midweek next week or late next week and flush till she yellowes and hope her trics are ab halfway ambered out for me and she should be hella tastey
I cant fucking wait
No joke
I believe this will be the best product to date personally that ive produced
I hope it gets better and better even tho i believe this will be about as top shelf as i can produced w exception of nailing down a set nute schedule
Instead of watching and seeing what shes telling me
I need to get a set regiment
Start out w organics early for quick growth that isnt harsh on young plants after their first week ill use the organics and then after anout the 3rd week is finished ill pump up the juice to the ladies and watch each one and go from there w my set regiment and record my result by strain
Since im such a strain whore and all
And still whoring
Thanks all
Happy growing
Cant wait to smoke this bitch
Shit I bet you can't wait merlin, I can just imagine that wonderful berry smell! I hope she swells up for you. Nice and fat:smoking::smoking: