New Grower Auto Seeds - Berry Ryder Grow/Strain Review

Good call on the double 6s i think brother
You wont regret your decision im tellin ya
Im expecting my mars to be dropped off in a few hours
So i cant wait to throw it in my tent here in a bit

Hahah @Ladyluck
They are pretty freakin sweet i do have to say
I think imma stick w another p300 myself for now since i have an unexpected upgrade arriving today........
My mars panel was sent for repair and they sent me a model back that is almost double the wattage than the defective one i did have and sent off for repairs......they didnt have the same one id bought a few months back
They upgraded the 3watt diodes to 5 watt diodes and shipped a 5watt to me for the trouble.......
So i really cant say enough about their care for their customers
They were truly the single best company ive dealt with so far.....
Its produced this without a hiccup or problem one
Shes coming along very very will
Gettin nice and plump now
And she is oozing resin
Very very sticky and VERY fruity smelling
Its prob the best smelling strain ive ever grown
Im sooooo happy i got a good amount of these beans when i bought them......bc i can grow another 10 of these babies or so still yet
Good job w this one Auto Seeds
Yeah I just don't know really. Have you ever heard of a bad review of either marshydro or Platinum ? Boy oh boy that plant looks like something out of a magazine ! Just delicious, awesome work
Here she is today
Coming along really nice
An EXTREMELY strong smell of berries fills its tent and i find myself stopping and taking a whiff everytime i pass by
My mars came in last night as expected........
Cant say enough ab them for what they did
Thank you mars.....
Its up and running now

Makes me want to grow this strain without a doubt for he smell! Can't wait for the smoke report merlin. See if she tastes of berries aswell ! Great pics, she is coming along well !
Yea you definately should brother
Like i said
Im totally stoked that i bought as many beans as i did of this strain for sure
I personally think Auto Seeds knocked it out the park w this one
I really love the berry smell she is putting out
Its distinctly and positivly berry
No doubts ab that
My bean order i placed yesterday of all the fastbuds varieties came w a tracking number this time
And hasnt ever before
Did TSSC start giving out tracking numbers recently or sumthn, ive made like 10 orders from them in the past 3 months and have never gotten a tracking number before......anyone happen to know or make an order and get a number as well???
Its a good thing
Just curious
Where do you order your beans from? I always use herbies and have loved their customer service! Can not wait for that fast buds grow to start and I'm putting auto seeds berry Ryder on the list to order :)
I order from The Single Seed Center exclusively
Ive found them to be the most pleasant to deal w
Shipping is by far the quickest
They dont give alot of freebies but i dont care so much ab that
I get what i pay for guaranteed and the seeds may be like 20 cents more a seed of sumthn sometimes
But ill pay for speed and guarantees
Never had one broken or not germ
And always get what i pay for an more
Theyre stealth is awesome
Everything ab em is awesome i think
I'm gonna look them up, thanks for letting me know merlin. I'm in the us non-compliant state aswell and always love a guarantee & stealth delivery !