Indoor Auto Pots, Blueberry Domina, and Hubbabubbasmelloscope!

I must say, i'm impressed with the auto pots already, and you know me........ that doesn't happen easily lol! I want to try an organic soil grow in them. Saving for an XL set for the 4x4 tent.

Looking good pops going to germ 3 blue cheeses this weekend and there all going in autopots can't wait
Looked in on my trainwreck this morning, ohhhh she's looking good! Getting stinky too! She smells like honey and ferns, and..........pretty sure something in the fern patch has been dead a few days....... The last one I grew stunk something awful lol!

And I never see people mention the day when you look at a plant and it has spread its branches out away from the main stem! Thats the first thing I noticed, that she'd opened up her branches. I think that's the sign that stretch is ending and bud making is beginning. I'm going to watch and document this from now on and see if there is a correlation.

The pictures I've taken to date, have not done justice the the Blueberry Domina's recovery and growth. Again I remind you, my dog pulled this plant completely out of the soil and I found it wilting on the floor!

and look at her now! What a beautiful plant! Unbelievable recovery it seems to me! I will without a doubt grow more of these, I want to see what there true potential is!

So I had to get some good, out of the tent pics so that you can truly appreciate this girl!

Blueberry Domina pic1 -3-28-2016.jpg
Blueberry Domina pic2 -3-28-2016.jpg
Blueberry Domina pic3 -3-28-2016.jpg
Hey Pop22,
I asked you a question in A-Train's
Coco watering help thread.
Care to pop over there and check it out?
i still top water with nutrient solution once a week to moisten the surface of the coco mostly.]
This may be exactly the wrong thing to do, after turning on the Autopot water supply. With bottom feeding, drying and salt buildup happen at the top surface layers of the medium, as discussed in the Autopot literature. Watering the top salt-laden layers is best avoided, as also noted in Autopot instructions.

With Autopots, I presume a dry top layer to be ideal, indicating that your medium (e.g., coco/perlite) is not holding onto too much water, not remaining saturated.
You're right...... It's the autopot blokes who can't make up their mind...... When using biotabs, look here a little top watering is OK, with other feeds it's not...... I've never paid any attention to this advise either way, just like the inexplicable advise to dump a drain layer at the bottom of the pots..... But that's just me.

Thing with Autopots is that whatever goes into them stays there, short of taking the pots out and flushing them. And I haven't seem, possibly missed it, any advise to do any flushing from the same blokes. Presumably any salts and other sundry items "building" up elsewhere but the top layer, which supposedly is a prominent feature of the mineral nutes they generally recommend over organics due to possible clogging with organic nutes in the water lines and aquavalves, the danger of aforementioned salts and sundries is probably rather..... Miniscule!