Indoor Auto Pots, Blueberry Domina, and Hubbabubbasmelloscope!

I see the will have a pot liner coming out soon. I was just wondering about lining them with an airpot.

All right, spill the beans, where did you see the pot liner coming out........?

Ohhh, those..... Those are socks, to be wrapped around the outside of the pots, sort of like what I attempt with red socks and my hooves in the winter........ For a second up there I thought that Autopot extensive research department had come up with some sort of Airpot-patterned liner that would slot right into the pots at leisure...... Not so.....

Now, a 22,5 airpot sheet, a heat gun, some grip locks and a pair of clumsy hands...... What could I possibly do wrong....... Haha

However with air domes/injection, what's the point, is there a point, will the wall pattern of the airpot, now square, encourage the vaunted air pruning and prevent encirclement of the wagons, does it matter, is it worth it........
And we're off! All 4 seedlings were well developed with tap roots over and inch long. Now, i was unsure how to start them. I've looked at how many others do it, and true to my contrary ways..... I decided to do it my own way! I used my cottage cheese containers that i always use for starting my seedlings. I took a small pail and mixed three parts coco coir/perlite mix to 1 part worm castings. I figure that will incoculate the coco with beneficial bacteria and provide food for the seedlings for a few days.

seedlings pic1 -2-12-2016.jpg
seedlings pic2 -2-12-2016.jpg
One HBSS seedling died. So although I have more, I'm replacing it with my last Sweet Trainwreck. The last two I grew were top shelf bud, just the plants were small due to problems with the grow medium ( you can't prove it was my fault...... :doh:). Can't wait to see how she does this time!