New Grower Auto Hydroponics Help?

  • Thread starter Thread starter NebbyUK
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Dear Growers,

I am starting a Autoflowering grow in a tent and I'm using an ebb and flow system with H&G N. This is my first attempt with the auto strain and I'm asking for help on the amount of Nutrients and time scale on the ebb and flow over the entire cycle? I have used the 8 and 10 week scheme before.

The strains I'm growing are x 3 Auto White widow, x 3 Auto New York City and x 5 Auto Big Bang with a shorter grow cycle. I have emailed H&G but have had no response???

Thanks in advance for your much appreciated advise.... :toke:
:smokebuds:If you havn't grown autos before ,starting with hydro is going to be a challange.They requier more attention than photos.Autos can't take full doses off nutes and are usually given 1/4 or 1/2 strenghth nutes because they get nute burn easily.Keeping the correct PH and using light doses of nutes are the most important thing you can do.
I would advise against putting all 3 strains in the same tank. There's a good possibility that the nutrient requirements will vary from strain to strain and you may find it difficult to strike a balance with them all in the same tank. Also, take a look at this thread. It should give you a better understanding of what to expect and when.
Thanks for the advise Muddy, I know the white species require less Nute of - 0.3 EC. I will keep the Nute in the tank at about 60% - 70% less than H&G recommend for sativa/indica and if a problem arises I can use another tank to provide the Nute to the white ones. I'll set the flood as normal at every 4 hour intervals.

I'm looking forward to growing the ruderalis and will keep you posted on the grow. Peace
Bear in mind that their nutrient schedule was probably designed for growing photo strains. Autos require less nutes than photos. Usually half strength is about all they tolerate, although some strains can take a bit more.
Updater on Autos. Placed in a paper towel and lightly sprayed with mineral water, then placed in airing cupboard to germinate (24 hours). Transplanted into rockwool and placed in propagator with CLF (Day light white) to bring them on. Big Bang at 5 days old........View attachment 117822
They look a bit stretched. I would suggest you lower your lights a bit.
Hi nebby, im growing auto big bang with hydro(nft) this is my first grow and im at 45 days. really had to cut back the nutes from the manufacturers reccomended amount by about half. got a few pics on my profile if you fancy a look. ill be keeping an eye on your thread and ill try to help as iv already identified several things id do different next time. best of luck to you and the girls and keep on top of your p.h.

Thanks Muddy, Have lowered light :). Puff thanks for your advise too :) I see what you mean on the Nute from your pics, I'll keep an eye on them. what EC and when was your first feed? I'm now spraying the bottom of the rockwool with PH 5.8 and water boiled from the kettle, left to cool off (this burns off the carbon in the water). I'm going to investing in a new air pump today, I'll pump it full of oxygen too.

Also your heat problem? what lights are you using? I've 2 X 600W Air cooled tubes, not running just yet. I'm gonna invest in some CLF's and put them in when it's too hot. try to avoid this problem of stress but keeping them going?

Good luck with your crop, hope they recovered? Will keep an eagle eye on you post and learn from you, Cheers :smokebuds: