Indoor Auto Green Crack x4

Your plant would cause my cabinet to explode! Do you have any pics of your blue Himalaya? I still have a few weeks but I need to decide what my next grow will be. I have a few nice seeds in my stash
Day 57......


Still not sure what to expect from the smoke from this one as the only crack I've tried is the girlfriend variety:eyebrows: Was getting a weird sort of burnt plastic smell the other day but not so much now.....think we're getting more to the tasty green stage now:smoking:

Nutrient uptake appears to have slowed and pH swings are getting much slower now......that's my home straight so hopefully not long to go for these and I can get back to having less plants on the go once I have a big enough pile to get me to a stage where I have more well-cured bud to dig into:cheers: