Indoor Auto Green Crack x4

Thanks for the detailed reply Kush, I suspected that might be the case. I admire Short Stuff for selling regs and being a part of AFN.

Good to see a Green Crack from a different breeder then Fastbuds, more choice for us!
I wish Mephisto had released theirs but it appears never to be...
Caught this one flashing her girlie bits at me.....



Tried uploading pics direct from my point and shoot......being lazy as I've finished my beer up here and I'm going to go kick a dog off my spot on the couch on the way back from the fridge:cheers:

All 3 of the bigger ones (day 22) are showing sex and the younger one has gone curly leaved too now. I think it's low humidity but I guess could also be heat but whatever it is they see to be going at a decent rate anyway.
Day 27;

The curly leaves seems to less of a problem now so I'm guessing it might have been low humidity and now that they are big enough to add to the humidity leaves come out looking better.

And there's soil in my room's not auto green crack but I'm hoping they will stay small and portable enough to move for pics in daylight if I can get them to produce flowers worth photographing with my serious kit.

27 days...future monters.

Hopefully not too big though.....if they go another 10 inches within the week then slow down I'll be happy. If they go another 14 and don't slow down it could get messy but I think this is supposed to be a smaller strain which should take less than 10 weeks.

Not that I've measured these ones but they seem to come out of the blocks strong and provide satisfying growth, at least in hydro. Nutrient usage has been steadily increasing and they were eating away at the EC pretty much as soon as they went on the NFT matting - often it's hard to detect any change in nutrient concentration when they are so young but this strain has been giving me nice clear feedback so far.

Been meaning to do root pics too.....last time I looked I got a nice surprise there too:woohoo1:Not sure I've ever seen angry looking roots before :haha:

I love me some roots. I definitely need to see some angry roots

At the bottom end of the NFT table it looked like it was firing out little white arrow heads but now they are a bit longer and a whole heap more of them......



I'll get the shot I wanted one of these grows but that is the water level as high as it should go as it is only just below the table. If the level gets up onto the table it's over watering and the drop between the table and the res helps aerate the nutrient solution so that's higher than I like but at this stage it goes down pretty quick so shouldn't be an issue.

Day 29;

Few more days like this to go hopefully:smoking:

And now there are 3 soil pots - I was going to put the latest addition in NFT but opted for soil to save space (L-R it's Auto Big Gun, Dr Feelgood and Blue Himalaya in soil). They are just getting fed with the nutes out of the Auto Green Crack reservoirs at the minute as that is what they are closest to. You tend to get root secretions and stuff collecting on the top surface of the nutrient solution in an active res so I've been skimming it off and pouring it in the soil pots as feed.

Feeding soil pots out my hydro res should help keep the nutrient solution in better shape as it increases the amount of maintenance I can do and reduces the amount of waste I should need to pour away. Whatever used solution I take out I replace with fresh so it's like doing a partial res change each day......or will be when they start using a bit more water anyway.
