Indoor Auto Green Crack x4

Short Stuff strains as far as the eye can see......


Real pleased with how organised the canopy looks with so little effort and within the limits of the environment the genetics look remarkably consistent (i.e.; variation within plants of the same strain looks like it's more down to where I've put them than genetic variation).

I was impressed with the way Dr Feelgood doesn't muck about but Auto Green Crack really doesn't muck about and looks like it's more than the 2 days ahead. It's like watching a drag race in my grow room lol:smoking:
Day 38 for 3 out of 4 of them.....


The one on the left is a couple of days younger than the others so I'm not sure if it's smaller because the other one in the same res got a head start, because it was closest to the fan blowing cold air or because the bigger one got the better spot in the pot or maybe even because of slight (unintentional) differences in res settings between the 2 in the other res but either way the next pic shows all the difference in height I'm seeing between these 4.....


The ones in the other res look like if I put a spirit level on them they would be about as level as any shelf I've ever put up:haha:


Only problem so far has been I think they caught me napping with the switch to bloom nutes. EC up to about 1.5 and still knocking the pH up to about 6.2 each day.

My daily top up routine consists of adding water to res, check EC with TDS meter, add nutes, have a joint, check pH, add pH down, have joint, check again and have more joints and make small adjustments as necessary:smokeit:

My favourite top on day 39 has tighter node spacing than the other 3 and I'm digging the frostyness too....


Haven't checked the height on these girls but I'd have to get creative with the rigging to get my light any higher so I'm fine with the small size of this strain. I'll try to remember to take a tape measure in there soon but including the height of the res I was hoping for about 1 metre.

Day 49 and apologies for not having more pics........I'll get the big camera out again soon.....


Looking forward to going LED in this space and subject to it being a nice smoke there's a good chance this strain will go under it as a single plant grow in NFT as I like it's size and speed and I've still got another 4 seeds.