SSSC Auto Creeper Communal thread

wowser growbro she is looking superb I've seen some real eye-catching variants of this strain and the shape or her is awesome mine are wild i wish i could give you some rep :slap::bighug::bighug:so have some hugs instead
Thanks mate u can never get enough hugs :pighug: yeah I think I deffo got the big pheno :crying:
Now Waira my old fruit, do you remember the conversation we had recently and why EC is universal??:hump:
When giving PPM values, you need to provide which scale it is you are quoting!!
(You have my permission to call me a dick etc but the point is pertinent and needs addressing - oh my what a pedant I am)
:crying: no no mate, you're right, and I'm under the influence! :baked: I won't get my clockweights in a tangle here -:rofl: ...honestly, I'm not 100% sure what scale that blip on flush solution was based on,...want to say NaCl 500ppm..... Regardless, a weak solution by any measure, IF he chooses to pull the Autopot and find out if it's overloaded in there by testing some run-off. Let's see if it worsens significantly first...

With coco I never measure run off, never have!
I personally recommended To calibrate meters regularly for correct PH and EC levels..
Then I always allow 30% run off that should take care of any possible salt build up.
I always feed Cal/Mag in coco especially so with LED lights.

Of course you don't need to test, you're the Sensei already doing the plentiful run-off thing - :rolleyes2: :haha: ... this has been the advise dilemma concerning any bottom-fed rig, what to do when something is wonky in-pot with coco - :doh:
Thanks mate u can never get enough hugs :pighug: yeah I think I deffo got the big pheno :crying:
:spels: she's a beauty mate! Another bouquet of colas in the making - :headbang:

I'm curious to see how @Splitty37 girl is doing, my hopeful pheno'/model for mine! I'm thinking at this point, if she hasn't gone apeshite yet, she'll not be a beast after all...I'm not sure why? ... it gets in the 60's during lights out, high 70's-80F on, so perhaps that cool period is helping....
Morning all, @Waira heres a pic from yesterday but will get some pics outside of tent for ya later. She's 50 days old in this pic and still flying along
:crying: no no mate, you're right, and I'm under the influence! :baked: I won't get my clockweights in a tangle here -:rofl: ...honestly, I'm not 100% sure what scale that blip on flush solution was based on,...want to say NaCl 500ppm..... Regardless, a weak solution by any measure, IF he chooses to pull the Autopot and find out if it's overloaded in there by testing some run-off. Let's see if it worsens significantly first...

Of course you don't need to test, you're the Sensei already doing the plentiful run-off thing - :rolleyes2: :haha: ... this has been the advise dilemma concerning any bottom-fed rig, what to do when something is wonky in-pot with coco - :doh:
Just pulling your potatoes brother!:pighug:
I can't help myself, whenever I see PPM mentioned and no scale, I have to mention it as it one of the most overlooked grey areas.
So many new people to the game and not mentioning scale can really bugger things up!
To get people knowing about PPM scale could possibly reduce some traffic in Sick Bay.
Either that or try to get everyone using EC as the common standard amongst all growers, whether they be European or American we find common ground with EC.

The wonky autopot dilemma.
When talking with Tom about PH in autopots, I found a device called "PerfectPH" that "Torus Hydro" made in partnership with "autopots" which will keep a stable ph in auto pots,
It seems that there was a need for such a device, in the bottom feeding autopot system!
With Tom we worked out that it was the air pump that was throwing things off and causing the PH to rise.
The CO2 in the air when pumped through the water makes Carbonic acid as the CO2 dissolves in the water and the PH rises (when using Emerald Harvest nutes).
But different nutes handle this differently as Tom, didn't have the same problem with Remo nutes! Go figure!
The device from Torus Hydro needs priming every two months but if you buy a model designed for twice the size of you rez and you're good for four months before refill!
"PerfectPH" is a little pricey to buy but once you have the device, refilling it is not a lot!
Here is a link if anyone wants to know more -
:spels: she's a beauty mate! Another bouquet of colas in the making - :headbang:

I'm curious to see how @Splitty37 girl is doing, my hopeful pheno'/model for mine! I'm thinking at this point, if she hasn't gone apeshite yet, she'll not be a beast after all...I'm not sure why? ... it gets in the 60's during lights out, high 70's-80F on, so perhaps that cool period is helping....
Yeah thanks mate :d5: I would like to say yeah this how most of my grows turn out, but it really isn't :crying:
Yeah thanks mate :d5: I would like to say yeah this how most of my grows turn out, but it really isn't :crying:
I've told so many folks to use the clay pebble mix with coco and its bit me on the arse even in solos I've give all my secrets away and i think your just starting to really find your flow but i knew this was going to be a thread of great plants also same with @Splitty37 absolutely smashing it with this strain
Day 65. Things are going a bit quicker, still slow though, and a distinct lack of trichomes so far :shrug:
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Mad looking skeleton
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shes a banger just a slightly slower one like my other back girl and look at her structure that's some cracking bondage training sadly i let mine get a bit wild and i think i will need a machete to do in and chop mine down in a few weeks